30. November 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libysche Marine bringt 300 Bootsflüchtlinge auf, Rückführung nach Libyen · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: , , ,

Navy picks up 300 more asylum seekers

By Ahmed Elumami

The Libyan navy yesterday picked up almost 300 asylum seekers in two separate incidents just off the coast.

In the first interception, to the north-west of Garabulli, on Thursday morning, a naval vessel spotted and intercepted a broken-down rubber raft carrying 109 passengers. Navy spokesman Ayoud Ghasem told the Libya Herald that the majority of people on board the inflatable was from West Africa.

The second find, in the same area, was made in the small hours of this morning when a patrol craft came across a similar type of inflatable. This time there were 170 people crowded aboard, again mostly of West African origin.

Ghasem said that each vessel was brought ashore in Tripoli and the asylum seekers handed over to the Tripoli Illegal Immigration Department. He added that he was not in a position to give an information on the medical condition of the detained,

via Navy picks up 300 more asylum seekers | Libya Herald

Die Nachrichtenagentur LANA berichtet von – weiteren? – drei Schiffen mit Boat-people, die die libysche Marine aufgebracht hat.

Libya’s coastguard picks up almost 300 African migrants – Zawya

Libya stopped three boats off its coast packed with almost 300 African migrants apparently trying to reach Europe, the state news agency Lana said.

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