21. November 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libysche Truppen: US-, britisches und italienisches Aufbauprogramm – NYTimes.com · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags:

„[…] Gaining control of the militias is a huge challenge. Since last spring, the United States, Britain and Italy have been planning a multiyear program to train and equip a Libyan force of about 5,000 to 7,000 soldiers and a separate, smaller unit for specialized counterterrorism missions. This would give the government a core of strengthened forces around which to build its national security structure. On Saturday, however, the leader of the United States Special Operations Command, Adm. William McRaven, said no final decision on the training mission had been made. The project won’t deliver immediate results, but it needs to begin soon. […]“

via Libya’s Resurgent Violence – NYTimes.com

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