15. März 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für MSF Bericht Marokko: „Violence, Vulnerability and Migration: Trapped on the Gates of Europe“ · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien · Tags: , ,

The new MSF report on the situation of Sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco is entitled „Violence, Vulnerability and Migration: Trapped on the Gates of Europe“ outlines the impact of precarious living conditions and widespread criminal and institutional violence on the health of undocumented sub-Saharan migrants trapped in Morocco on their way to Europe and highlights the conflict between migration policies and the respect of fundamental human rights in Morocco.

130313 PR Morocco EN

130313 MSF PR Maroc FR

The report can be downloaded in English at:
and in French at:

You can find attached the press release (en/fr) and you can also visit the website:
(in french)
(in spanish)
(soon in english)

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