12. Januar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Italienische Patrouillenschiffe an Tunesien · Kategorien: Italien, Tunesien

Im Jahr 2011 hatte Italien die Schenkung von Patrouillenschiffen für den Kampf gegen Harragas zugesagt, ffm-online hat mehrmals berichtet. Hier technische Details samt Foto:

„Tunisia takes delivery of two Patrouiller patrol boats

Written by Oscar Nkala Friday, 11 January 2013 13:33
[…] The two 35 metre patrol boats (GN3501 and GN3502) were built at the Cantiere Navale Vittoria shipyard in Adria, Italy and handed over to Tunisian government representatives by company president Luigi Duo early in December. The boats were finally delivered to Tunis on December 28 and now await commissioning into service. The ‚Patrouilleur Class‘ patrol boats are based on the P350 project design used by the Libyan Coast Guard. […]

„The first two patrol boats have been built under the new P350 project design. With a 140-tonne full displacement, a 35 m length, and a 7.2 m beam, the new patrol vessels are built of aluminium and feature a propulsion system based on two shafts, with one 3120 kW MTU 16V2000 M93 diesel engine and one Rolls-Royce Kamewa 63 S3 NP hydrojet, offering a maximum speed of over 38 knots,“ Luigi said.

Each of the patrol boats accommodates a crew of 16 and features integrated command, control and navigation suites including satellite and radio links, which were provided by Italian company AlmavivA. They can be equipped with guns of up to 30 mm calibre“


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