November 14: to be counted en mass and not back down
by CHRISTOS GIOVANOPOULOS – Dikaioma, network of precarious and unemployed workers, Athens
∫connessioni precarie asked Christos Giovanopoulos from the Dikaioma network in Athens, a contribution to the debate on the European situation towards November 14. This is not only a correspondence, but the beginning of a dialogue which hopefully will continue, and which aims to build up connections around the strike and against the crisis.
In contrast with the constructed imagination the revolution is not around the corner in Greece. After almost three years of struggle one realises only how difficult is to undo and deconstruct an entire political and economic system, even if this is trembling, as it is in Greece, indeed. Something one should understand is that in Greece we are experiencing a rapidly developing social destruction on a national level, which does not only include the working classes and the wage earners, but also the petit-bourgeoisie and the lower bourgeois class. […] What we are experiencing, therefore, is a process of a high speed and massive proletarisation. This in combination with the condition of precarity as the dominant form of work in Greece […] makes any «traditional» notion of working class politics or even class struggle redundant…read more.