23. August 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Auf nach Thessaloniki! · Kategorien: Griechenland

Konferenz am 06./07.09.2012

The political and economical changes happening nowadays on an international level are getting shape of a special treaty. They are reactions to the current crisis and in general the crisis of institutions and values of the system. The social attacks from state and capital, but as well as from the reactionary forces of the political system, are becoming more and more intense. These attacks try to weaken any resistance while shaping a new condition of social wildness by sharpening poverty and deprivation, which is the breeding ground for the rise of racist and fascist formations. In these conditions, we believe that our actions must have consistency, seriousness and effectiveness. We both have to resist and move further to the creation of new structures and relations based on solidarity, direct democracy and social counterpower. It is the only way to stop the brutality of the future which the international capital preserves for us and to propose the creation of a world based on freedom, solidarity and dignity.

So, several months after the successful first intervention of our network with demonstrations, rallies and actions in several countries, we believe that it is time to go a step further in order to set up the basis for a more functional and effective network. For this reason, we invite you on Thursday, the 6th of September 2012 to Thessaloniki to an assembly between the members of the M31-network in order to discuss ideas about our next moves, and to an open workshop presentation of the M31-network on Friday the 7th September 2012 also in Thessaloniki during the 3rd Festival of direct democracy which we organize in the city at those days. The call-out for the festival for direct democracy is attached to this mail.

For more info visit the web-site: http://ablocfest.gr/?lang=en/

In the area where the festival will take place sleeping places are provided.

Antiauthoritarian Movement Thessaloniki (Greece) ak_salonica@espiv.net

Siehe auch: http://umsganze.org/ausflug-nach-thessaloniki/

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