22. November 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: Bergung von Leichen – Video · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Video · Tags: ,


13. November 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Art group removes Berlin Wall memorial“ – Guardian · Kategorien: Deutschland, Marokko · Tags: ,

The Guardian

Art group removes Berlin Wall memorial in border protest

Centre for Political Beauty says it took white crosses to highlight hypocrisy of fortifying borders while celebrating fall of another

Philip Oltermann
in Berlin

For the past 10 years, 14 white crosses in the heart of Berlin have marked the lives of those who died trying to cross from east to west. Over the weekend, they disappeared, replaced with empty black metal frames and a note: “There’s no thinking going on here.”

On Monday, the crosses resurfaced, not in Germany but on walls and fences that mark the very outer edges of Europe, in Greece, Bulgaria and Melilla, on the north African coast. A performance art group called the Centre for Political Beauty claimed to have organised the stunt.

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12. November 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Flüchtlingsboot Katastrophe Bosporus · Kategorien: Türkei · Tags: ,

Border Criminologies

Migrant Death at the Clashing Rocks: The Tragedy of the Torun

Guest post by Theodore Baird, postdoctoral researcher at VU University Amsterdam in the Migration Law Section of the Faculty of Law. He lived and worked in the Black Sea region for over four years before moving to Northern Europe. He continues to work on issues of migration in the East Mediterranean and the Black Sea region. In this blog post, Theodore reviews the recent deaths of migrants in the Black Sea, placing the event in historical and geopolitical context. He demonstrates that new migration routes are opening in the Black Sea, embedded in a rich history of migration and geopolitical struggle.

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08. November 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Flüchtlingsabwehr: „EU macht sich strafrechtlich schuldig“ · Kategorien: Europa, Mittelmeerroute · Tags: ,


Interview mit Video | Irene Brickner

Jean Ziegler

„[…] Im Mittelmeer sind bereits tausende Menschen ertrunken, großteils wird weggeschaut. Mich erinnert das an Ihr Anprangern des Hungers in der Welt als Verbrechen, das großteils verdrängt werde.

Ziegler: Das stimmt, und dieses Ertrinkenlassen ist unterlassene Hilfeleistung für Menschen in Todesgefahr, was in allen europäischen Staaten unter Strafe steht. Also macht sich die EU nicht nur moralisch, sondern auch strafrechtlich schuldig.
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03. November 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Türkei: 40 Boat-people ertrunken, viele Kinder! · Kategorien: Türkei · Tags: ,


At least 24 drown in migrant boat sinking off Istanbul: reports

ISTANBUL: At least 24 illegal migrants drowned Monday when a boat taking them towards European Union waters sank in the Black Sea just off Istanbul, Turkish media reported. Seven people were rescued and nine more were missing from the stricken boat, which had set off earlier from Istanbul and had traveled through the Bosphorus Strait on its way to Romania.

Those on board were Afghans who had paid several thousand euros each in search of a better life in the EU and had set off earlier from Bakirkoy, an Istanbul suburb on the Sea of Marmara side of the Bosphorus.
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02. November 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Mare Nostrum – Triton: Medienecho · Kategorien: Ägypten, Hintergrund, Italien, Libyen · Tags: , ,

Lampedusa – une ile


L’opération Frontex Plus en Méditerranée centrale, baptisée Triton selon la tradition mythologique de l’agence de surveillance des frontières extérieures de l’Union européenne, débute demain 1er novembre 2014.

Une déclaration de la commissaire européenne Cecilia Malmström en reprécise les enjeux (europa.eu/rapid), un communiqué de la Commission européenne en détaille les objectifs, l’historique et les moyens (http://europa.eu/rapid).

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01. November 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Vor Libyen: 20 Boat-people ertrunken · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,

via Repubblica.it
Pozzallo, arrivati in porto 276 profughi

Sono stati tratti in salvo dalla nave „Fiorillo“ della Guardia costiera. Alcuni di loro raccontano che durante la traversata in barcone venti compagni di viaggio sono annegati

Approdata al porto di Pozzallo (Ragusa) la nave „Fiorillo“ della Guardia costiera, con a bordo 276 profughi. Nel gruppo si sono 89 giovani centrafricani che hanno dichiarato di essere i superstiti di una traversata in cui una ventina di loro compagni sarebbero finiti in mare al largo della Libia, e sarebbero annegati.

01. November 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Mitverantwortliche für Massenmord 11.10.2013 als Helden · Kategorien: Italien, Video · Tags: ,

Corriere TV

The italian TV and the newspaper Corriere della Sera produced a documentary film serie about the 11-10-2013, specially about the military vessel Libra and the commandant Catia Pellegrino. You remember that the Libra was 40 km near by the ship during the afternoon and did nothing. They are co-responsable for the dead of more than 200 boat-people in that evening, and now they are presented as heroes!

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31. Oktober 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für UN Protest EU-Außengrenze: „Sterbenlassen als Abschreckung“ · Kategorien: Mittelmeerroute · Tags: ,

Der UN-Beauftragte für die Migrantenrechte, F. Crépeau, hat die Strategie des Sterbenlassens im Mittelmeer, an der EU-Außengrenze, aussergewöhnlich scharf kritisiert:


Europe / Migrants: “Let them die, this is a good deterrence” – UN human rights expert

GENEVA (30 October 2014) – Allowing people to die at Europe’s borders just because of their administrative status is a complete disregard for the value of human life, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, François Crépeau, said today urging the British authorities to reconsider its decision not support search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean.

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13. Oktober 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für 11.10.2013: Überlebender berichtet · Kategorien: Medien · Tags: ,


11 October 2013 Lampedusa survivor bought forged passport in Malta, reaches Germany

Associated Press

On 11 October 2013 well over 200 Syrian irregular migrants lost their lives in an operation that saw roughly half the survivors being brought to Malta.  In an interview with the Associated Press, one survivor who was brought to Malta tells the tale of how he later purchased a German ID in the name of Daniel Fischer for € 180. With it, he got to Milan, where he paid human traffickers € 350 to drive him on back roads across the Alps to Munich, Germany.

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