31. Januar 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Syrian migrants picked up from Italian vessel, taken to Montenegro“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Italien · Tags: , ,

Reuters | 30.01.2018

BELGRADE (Reuters) – A group of migrants, including 11 Syrians, were rescued on Tuesday from an Italian fishing trawler in the Adriatic Sea and taken to Montenegro, police said.

Montenegro’s coastal security sent out a rescue team after Erica, a 15 metre-long (50 feet) vessel, put out a distress signal 17 nautical miles (31 km) off the coast, said Safet Kocan, director of maritime safety.

The Italian ship with migrants on board was finally moored in the Montenegrin port of Zelenika, inside the Boka Kotorska bay.

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21. Januar 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Migrants stuck in Serbia want to move on“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Deutschland, Schengen Migration, Serbien · Tags:

Reuters | 19.01.2018

BELGRADE (Reuters) – After traversing several countries en route to the rich West, Najibullah, a former policeman from the Afghan town of Kholm, his pregnant wife and four children, got stuck in Serbia.

Now they spend days of relative normalcy in a drab refugee camp in Krnjaca, an industrial area on the outskirts of the Serbian capital Belgrade, hoping they will ultimately move to Germany where 30-year-old Najibullah has relatives.

If they get their wish, they would join more than a million other migrants who have arrived in Germany since 2015, when Chancellor Angela Merkel offered sanctuary to those fleeing war and poverty.

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19. Januar 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Immediate Freedom for Ahmed H.! A political trial can never be a fair trial · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Ungarn · Tags: ,

Freedom For The Röszke 11 | 16.01.2018

STATEMENT Published by the „ Free the röszke11″ solidarity network

On the 8th, 10th and 12th January 2018 the Hungarian states‘ trial against Ahmed H. went into the next round of seemingly absurd and endless hearings. Ahmed’s case is now back at the first court level, after the second instance referred it back for lack of consideration of contradictions in the evidence. The court proceeded, going over the same police testimonies, watching police footages, with no new witnesses or evidence. Again the judge acted as prosecutor, but compared with the previous judge, he asked Ahmed questions, allowed him to answer and he was even listening to his statements. So are we now witnessing a fair trail, as some reports say? Is Hungary’s justice system after all functioning properly now and justice finally prevail?

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18. Januar 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Hungary seeks to punish those who aid illegal migration“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Schengen Migration, Ungarn · Tags: ,

The Washington Post | 17.01.2018

By Pablo Gorondi | AP

BUDAPEST, Hungary — A new set of laws would tax and possibly sanction Hungarian groups assisting illegal migration which receive foreign funding, Hungary’s government said Wednesday.

Such groups would have to register with the courts and, if they get more than half of their funds from foreign sources, pay a 25-percent tax on the funds received from abroad, Interior Minister Sandor Pinter said. Groups failing to register, and which authorities consider to be adding illegal migrants, could be fined.

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15. Januar 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Migranten auf der Balkanroute: Gestrandet in der Ruine von Sid“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Kroatien, Schengen Migration, Serbien · Tags:

Spiegel Online | 13.01.2018

Wie sieht es aus, wenn die EU zumacht? In den Balkanländern sitzen bis zu 10.000 Menschen fest, hausen in Wäldern, Zelten, Fabrikruinen. Ein Besuch an der serbisch-kroatischen Grenze.

Von Nidzara Ahmetasevic, Eva Thöne und Maria Feck

15 Kilometer sind es von der Kleinstadt Sid bis zur kroatischen Grenze. Man lässt die leerstehenden Fabrikhallen am Bahnhof links liegen, kreuzt die Bahnschienen. Ist dann auf der Landstraße lange umgeben von winterbraunen Äckern und weitem Himmel. Läuft durch das Dorf Batrovci, wo die Zeit seit den Jugoslawien-Kriegen stehengeblieben scheint, vorbei an Häusern ohne Putz, Schuppen aus Plastikplanen und knorrigen Apfelbäumen. Schlägt sich nach der Brücke, unter der die Lkws in Schlangen auf die Grenzkontrollen warten, in den Wald. Durchquert ein paar Meter Gestrüpp. Wandert dann die letzten Kilometer zwischen Buchen, das Licht scheint jetzt im Winter auch an grauen Tagen milchig-hell durch die blattlosen Äste.

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10. Januar 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Flüchtlinge werden auf der Balkanroute immer noch Opfer von brutaler Gewalt!“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Bulgarien, Griechenland, Kroatien, Schengen Migration, Serbien, Slowenien, Ungarn · Tags: , ,

Pro Asyl | 09.01.2018

An den Grenzen zu Ungarn, Kroatien und Slowenien werden Menschen beim Versuch, weiter in Richtung der zentraleuropäischen Mitgliedstaaten zu fliehen, brutal misshandelt. Menschenrechtsorganisationen und -aktivist*innen dokumentierten auch 2017 zahlreiche Fälle von Gewalt gegen Schutzsuchende.

Im Herbst 2015 war die Balkanroute in aller Munde. Medien waren vor Ort und berichteten quasi live von den Geschehnissen. Spätestens nach den Grenzaufrüstungen entlang der Fluchtroute sowie der Räumung des Zeltlagers in Idomeni schwand die Aufmerksamkeit jedoch. Immer noch sind aber tausende Menschen an verschiedensten Orten auf der Balkanroute gestrandet. Die meisten von ihnen sitzen unter oft erbärmlichen Bedingungen in Griechenland oder Serbien fest, viele probieren immer wieder, in andere Länder weiterzukommen.

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27. Dezember 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Serbia Police Remove Protesting Refugees From Croatia Border“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Kroatien, Schengen Migration, Serbien · Tags:

BalkanInsight | 27.12.2017

Serbia has removed about 150 refugees who were protesting on the border with Croatia, demanding admission to the country, accusing them of abusing its hospitality.

Sven Milekic

Serbian police on Tuesday evening removed around 150 refugees, mostly from the Middle East, who were protesting on the border with Croatia demanding to be allowed into Croatia on their way to Western Europe, regional N1 media hub reported on Wednesday.

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27. Dezember 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Die neue Balkanroute“ · Kategorien: Albanien, Balkanroute, Kroatien, Schengen Migration · Tags:

nd | 27.12.2017

Flüchtlinge suchen Weg in die EU über Bosnien / Kroatien macht die Grenze dicht

Von Elke Windisch, Dubrovnik

Wie Nadelstiche wirkt der Eisregen, der über Trebinje, einer bosnischen Kleinstadt, niedergeht. Am Stadtrand ein halbfertiges Gebäude, im Erdgeschoss die Reste eines Lagerfeuers, zwei leere Plastikflaschen und ein paar abgenagte Hühnerbeine. »Gestern Abend waren sie noch hier«, sagt Zlatko, der als freier Journalist für »Oslobođenje«, die Tageszeitung der Ostherzegowina arbeitet. Aber es sei schon zu dunkel für ein Foto gewesen. »Der Bauherr wird sie davongejagt haben. Oder die Polizei hat sie mitgenommen.«

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24. Dezember 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Abschiebung eines Kurden aus Serbien in die Türkei droht · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Serbien · Tags:

No Border Serbia | 24.12.2017

Serbian government announced to send back a Kurdish man from Turkey that has claimed asylum in Serbia. He has been in the country since October 2016, escaping a 15-year long prison sentence in Turkey as a political prisoner. He says that the guilt plea that was the base for his conviction came off under torture. While waiting for his asylum process to be completed he was detained in Serbia for more than a year. Currently he is in a foreigner part of Padinska Skela- prison near Belgrade, even though he is supposed to be placed in the open institution for asylum seekers Banja Koviljača.

On 12 of December the UN Comitee against torture wrote a letter to the ministry of justice, demanding a stop of the extradition process. Two days later the appeal against his extradition was rejected. The minister of justice Nela Kuburović claims the letter of the UN came too late and that C.A was „(…)only arrested here.“ (1) She doesn’t mention the asylum claim. C.A’s lawyer Ana Trkulja was not even informed about the planned extradition of her client, not speaking about the inability of the court to have adequate translations of documents from turkish regarding C.A’s case.

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21. Dezember 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „From Transit Hub to Dead End: A Chronicle of Idomeni“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Griechenland, Lesetipps · Tags:

bordermonitoring.eu | 20.12.2017

In spring 2016, after the formalized corridor across the Balkans was closed entirely, the informal refugee camp in Idomeni (at the border between the Greece and the Republic of Macedonia) was captured in the media glare for months. The story of Idomeni is, however, much more than the spectacle of a few months of human suffering and humanitarian aid. It started long before and continues until today. In the first chapter, it is described, how, and why, Idomeni became an important site of transit migration, with a growing number of migrants using the Idomeni region to leave Greece clandestinely from as early as 2010. In chapter two, it is shown how the situation in Idomeni changed, when one South-East European government after another implemented formal procedures for transit migrants to pass through their countries. Another turning-point in the history of Idomeni is marked by the gradual closure of the formalized corridor, beginning in November 2015, until the final eviction of Idomeni in May 2016. The strategy of the Greek government, aiming to replace the informall camps and their anarchical humanitarianism by state-controlled camps all over Northern Greece is discussed in the third chapter.