23. November 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Alarm Phone requires donations urgently! · Kategorien: Alarm Phone

Quelle: Alarmphone | Flyer DE | Flyer EN

Intervention. Documentation. Networking.

Our Alarm Phone requires donations urgently! Small or large amounts, cash-based, via your bank, or through PayPal – they are all tax deductible. We need the funding to maintain and expand our project:

  • To cover the costs of the self-organised call centre
  • To charge satellite phones with credit
  • For information and campaign materials
  • For research trips
  • For network meetings

Standing order
With 5€, 20€ or 50€, you can support our continuous work with important regular donations. Arrange a standing order to the bank account listed below.

Single donation
Whether privately, as a group or through solidarity projects, single donations to the bank account below will help us a lot.

Via paypal
Jetzt einfach, schnell und sicher online bezahlen – mit PayPal.

Jetzt einfach, schnell und sicher online bezahlen – mit PayPal.

Account holder: 
Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht & Migration
IBAN: DE68 1005 0000 0610 0242 64
Donation Reference: Watchthemed Alarm Phone
For donation receipts, please contact the following
Email address: wtm-alarm-phone@antira.info

Kommentare geschlossen.