22. Februar 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Frontex: Kooperationsabkommen mit Mazedonien · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Mazedonien · Tags:

Restricted access to information

Working arrangements have only been made public on Frontex’s website after repeated requests by the NGO Statewatch. In many cases their publication came years after the agreements were signed.

In 2013, members of the Frontexit campaign sought information on the implementation of working arrangements between the agency and the Serbian authorities. The Serbian authorities have refused to answer our questions concerning information exchange between Frontex and Serbia and cooperation on joint return flights, leaving number issues unaddressed, especially as regards the human rights situation in Serbia

Auf der Frontex-Website steht nur das: http://frontex.europa.eu

Und ansonsten findet sich bei Google z.B. noch das: http://www.invest-in-macedonia.com/l

Kommentare geschlossen.