11. Oktober 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Alarm Phone: Mussie Zerai · Kategorien: Alarm Phone · Tags:


The Anchor

The Africans who risk all to reach Europe look to an exiled priest as their savior.

Letter from Lampedusa


„[…] Around 9 A.M. on October 3rd, Father Mussie Zerai’s telephone began to ring repeatedly. Outside his apartment at the Catholic diocese in Fribourg, Switzerland, the Alps rose above the red-tiled roofs and the Gothic cathedral of the medieval town. The phone calls came from Sweden, Norway, Eritrea, Italy, Sudan, and Lampedusa. A boat travelling from Libya had caught fire and sunk. At least a hundred and eleven people were dead and more than two hundred were missing. It was depressingly familiar news—in the past twenty years, more than twenty thousand immigrants have died on their way to Europe. There would be many more were it not for Zerai, a thirty-nine-year-old Eritrean exile, whose phone number circulates among Europe-bound Africans like a Mediterranean 911. […]“

11. Oktober 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Calais: Filmreportage SRF · Kategorien: Medien · Tags:


Das Flüchtlingsdrama von Calais

SRF 10vor10 vom 9.10.2014

„Grossbritannien ist eines der Zielländer für viele Migranten. Auf dem Weg dorthin stranden sie in der nordfranzösischen Hafen-Stadt Calais. Mit allen Mitteln suchen sie nach einer Möglichkeit, den Ärmelkanal zu überqueren. Die «10vor10»-Reportage zeigt, was sich derzeit in Calais abspielt. Auch im britischen Dover beobachtet man die Situation in Frankreich mit Sorge.“

11. Oktober 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Pressekonferenz Berlin, Fotos · Kategorien: Alarm Phone


WTM Alarm Phone

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11. Oktober 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Alarm Phone: Aktivitäten Hamburg · Kategorien: Alarm Phone

Just a short report from Hamburg

Yesterday and today are “Lampedusa Emancipation Days” in Hamburg, starting with a peace march from the city center to the university and a theater play “The Lampeduzans” yesterday evening and going on with exhibitions, a debate “War – Migration – Democracy” and concert today. We mentioned the alarm phone in a short speech and distributed the flyers to migrants and supporters with interested reactions. We told migrants, especially those of the group “Lampedusa in Hamburg”, to look at the phone number on the website and give it to friends on the other side of the Mediteranean together with the information what we can do and what not. We told activists that we still need support for the shifts.
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11. Oktober 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Überlebende vom 11.10.2013 · Kategorien: Medien, Mittelmeer · Tags: , ,

Al Jazeera Dokumentation


Here is a documentary made by Aljazeera channel about the survivors of the 11th of october 2013 boat. Only in arabic unfortunately.

It has testimonies of the survivors and stories about what happened, the rescue operations (even some photos and videos), the reception center in italy, an interview with Nawal.

11. Oktober 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Alarm Phone: EPD · Kategorien: Medien


Notruftelefon für Flüchtlinge im Mittelmeer eingerichtet

Auf beiden Seiten des Mittelmeeres stehen künftig Aktivisten bereit, um in Seenot geratene Flüchtlinge zu retten. Das Telefon ist eine Reaktion auf die geplante Einstellung des Hilfsprogramms „Mare Nostrum“ der italienischen Marine.

Menschenrechtsgruppen aus mehreren Ländern haben am Freitag ein internationales Notruftelefon für Bootsflüchtlinge im Mittelmeer gestartet. Unter der Nummer 00334/86517161 sollen in Seenot geratene Flüchtlinge Notrufe absetzen können, wie das Netzwerk „Watch the med“ in Berlin mitteilte. Das Telefon soll von beiden Seiten des Mittelmeers von Aktivisten unterstützt werden und rund um die Uhr besetzt sein. Dafür stehe ein vielsprachiges Team in Bereitschaft.

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11. Oktober 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Tunesien, Choucha · Kategorien: Mittelmeer · Tags:

 Räumungsvorbereitung: Personenerfassung

As at Wednesday 8/10/2014, four(4) members of I.O.M visited the camp to discuss with the occupants, the conversations ensued: The voluntary return program, possibilities for status refugees and as well to obtain the correct statistics from the camp inhabitants. When prejudice by members of the camp for a proper explanations i.e, why should we write a list of names for the I.O.M and who(mean source of the eviction order)?

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11. Oktober 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Alarm Phone: Aktionen Rhein Main · Kategorien: Alarm Phone

Promotion-Activities for the Watch The Med Alarm Phone last days in Rhine-Main

Last tuesday evening Emmanuel Mbolela from Afrique-Europe-Interact presented his book „On the flight from Kongo to Europe“ in the frame of a series of alternative events, which happen in Frankfurt during the international bookfair. It was an impressive presentation and in his last part Emmanuel included and explained the watch the med alarm phone as one practical example of a transnational project of support and solidarity.
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