04. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Nürnberg BAMF – „everybody arrested or in hospital“ · Kategorien: Deutschland · Tags:


Everybody arrested or in hospital

After the policeattack on the 4th july at 8 o´clock, protesters resist in the area of BAMF and even chained theirselves on the gates of BAMF.
The resisting people were taken to the policestation Stadionwache in Nürnberg after the brutally violent attack of the police. At least one person was injured that badly that he was in need to go to hospital. One refugee was arrested infront of the BAMF.

Vier Personen geräumt

Die ersten 4 Streikenden wurden von der Polizei gewaltsam mitgenommen worden. Die Polizisten versuchen, mit Gewalt die weiteren 40 anderen Streikenden zum aufgeben zu zwingen. Die streikenden haben Ketten gebildet um besseren Schutz zu gewähren.


Die Polizisten haben angefangen, die protestierenden Geflüchteten und Unterstützer mit körperlicher und verbaler Gewalt niederzumachen. Sie räumen den Protest jetzt gerade mit Gewalt. Gewalt ist die Sprache der Dummen.

Usk Polizisten

USK-Polizisten kommen in Kampfmontur zu den Streikenden in den Innenhof und stellen sich auf. Ca 30 große Wannen(Autos) stehen vor dem Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge.

Statement morning 4.7.14

We the refugees from refugee struggle for freedom.We are here from yesterday and situation is that from yesterday to until now we dont have any possibility for toilet. Last night late we was allowed to eat and this was possible when police came and then they let us, but they said they will get permission from the cheif of Bundesamt at 09:00 o’clock and they will kick us from here. Nobody is listening us, no one was to give us any hope everyday. People dying in the lagers and we decided that we will not be in this inhuman situation anymore, we want change these inhuman laws for Non-citizens in Germany. We did Hungerstreik s, we did protest march and alot of refugees are in the streets now to bring the change for their lifes. Why everyone have no right to have life with freedom? We are waiting the cheif comes here and listen us and give us some hope if police will kick us from here we will not be back to our lagers. We will come again in the streets and struggle will continue until change of Non-Citizens lives!
We are here and we will Rise!
Refugee Struggle For Freedom

Demonstration in Nürnberg

We the refugees from different cities of Germany are here in Bundesamt today. All refugees have decided to sit here until we got our basic human rights. We are here all together against the racist laws for refugees like Lagerpflicht, Residenzpflicht, No working permission, no allowance to study and we are here to abolish these racistic laws and we demand acceptance of our cases! We want equal rights for everyone – no difference because of color – no difference because of country or nation! Everywhere in Germany a lot of refugees are in the streets to get their rights. We will not let anyone die in lager because of these inhuman, racistic laws! We protest peacefully and we want to get our rights with this peaceful protest.Today we are here I front of the Bundesamt and we tried to talk to the chief of the Bundesamt . We will wait until tomorrow morning 9:00 o’clock if we do not get any answer we will start wet hungerstrike! We rather die in front of all media than die in the Lagers with depression because of this inhuman and racistic laws!We will rise! Freedom of movement is everybody’s right!

A lot of police is standing front to the gate of Bundesamt and are not letting to people’s to bring food and water to non-citizens

We are the Non-Citizens in Bundesamt office we are here from 14:00 o’clock and police close the doar after 20 min now we dont have nothing for eating and for drinking so police is forcing us to start hungerstrike with this way and they dont let anyone to come to us we will stay here and struggle will continue until we the Non-Citizens get our basic human rights . We are here and we will rise

Vier usk bullen gehen ins bamf gelaende und klauen den streikenden die wasserflaschen, eine der wichtigsten grundlagen.shame on you!

Ein Streikender hat ernste Probleme wegen des Wasserdefizites. Krankenwagen und Notarzt sind vor Ort. One striker has serious problems because of the water deficit. The ambulance is on site.

We had one meeting with some officers in bundasamt and was Delegation from us there they reject our demands and said they cannot do nothing for individual or grup cases everything will be with process and meeting was just for name actually they were to talk with us just for formalitie and one of guy was unconscious because of situation and he is in the hospital

We the refugee in Nürnberg Bundesamt got one news from police they said they let us to stay until tomorrow 9:00 o’clock and at 9:00 o’clock they will throw us out from here we are not going to give up they struggle for freedom and we will not go at once we will stay here how much we can how much is possible we will rise.

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