18. November 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Katar: Amnesty international kritisiert die unmenschlichen Arbeitsbedingungen der MigrantInnen · Kategorien: Golfstaaten · Tags:

Amnesty International | Qatar: End corporate exploitation of …

A new report by Amnesty International finds Qatar’s construction sector rife with abuse, with workers employed on multi-million dollar projects suffering serious …

Press Release

Qatar: ‚Treat us like we are human‘: Migrant workers in Qatar

There are some 1.35 million foreign nationals working in Qatar. Migrant workers now make up some 94 per cent of the total workforce in the country. The population …

Qatar: Exploited and struggling to survive in Qatar : Feature

Exploited and struggling to …

Stop the abuse of migrant workers in Qatar | Amnesty International

Demand that the government of Qatar upholds and protects the rights of hundreds of thousands of foreign workers.

Action Document

Qatar: The dark side of migration: Spotlight on Qatar’s …

Qatar’s population is increasing by 20 people every hour. most of those arriving in the country are low-income construction workers from Asia. These migrant workers …

Exploited and struggling to survive in Qatar | Amnesty …

About 50 minutes drive north of Doha, at the heart of Qatar’s gas industry, lies the Ras Laffan Emergency and Safety College, a shiny new campus that obscures a …

Qatar: End corporate exploitation of migrant construction workers …

A new report by Amnesty International finds Qatar’s construction sector rife with abuse, with workers employed on multi-million dollar projects suffering serious …

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