March 23: A day for transnational migrants‘ and refugees‘ anti-racist and anti-precarity initiatives
We, migrants, refugees and precarious workers from different European countries will be on the streets on march 23rd for different initiatives against the European migration regimes and for refugees’ rights. In this time of crisis, policies against migrants are fostering racism and violence.
Many problems we experience in our life are connected to the European policies that divide us. In Bologna, migrants, refugees, precarious workers, students, men and women will demonstrate together against the Italian immigration law (Bossi-Fini) and against exploitation and precarity, because we know the migration regime is a fundamental part of the policies against workers’ rights all over Europe and beyond. We also know how institutional racism wants to divide and play one against another. But despite different approaches and local situations, our struggle is a transnational struggle. For this reason, from Bologna we support and will be in solidarity with the demonstrations planned in Berlin, Amsterdam and beyond, and we claim together:
- The end of European racism and aparthaid against all migrants
- The right to stay and to documents for all, independent from job and income
- The abolition of Dublin regulation and a real asylum right in the EU
- The closure of all detention centers inside and outside EU borders and the end of Frontex operations.