23. November 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für ACNUR reclama un „plan coherente“ para atender la llegada de migrantes con infraestructuras adecuadas donde acogerles · Kategorien: Schengen Migration, Social Mix, Spanien · Tags: , , ,

elPeriódico | 22.11.2017

La representante en España del Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR), Francesca Friz-Prguda, pide al Gobierno que articule „un plan coherente“ frente a las llegadas de migrantes a las costas españolas que permita responder a grandes afluencias como la de los últimos días en las costas de Murcia y Andalucía y que facilite infraestructuras adecuadas para la primera acogida de estas personas así como atención de sus necesidades.

„Vemos grandes lagunas tanto en los sistemas como en la infraestructura en los puntos de llegada. Faltan lugares donde hacer la primera reseña y el primer reconocimiento, también hay una situación bastante horrible en algunos calabozos tanto de tamaño como de infraestructura“, ha señalado Friz-Prguda en declaraciones a los medios en el marco de la presentación del libro apoyado por ACNUR ‚Mujer, Todos somos Una‘.

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15. November 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libya’s detention of migrants ‘is an outrage to humanity,’ says UN human rights chief Zeid · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: , ,

UN | 14.11.2017

The European Union’s (EU) support for Libya’s Coast Guard which has resulted in thousands of migrants being detained in “horrific” conditions inside Libya is “inhuman,” the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said on Tuesday.

Zeid Ra’ad al Hussein sounded the alarm after a probe by UN monitors who visited migrants held in State detention centres in Libya at the start of the month.

From 1 to 6 November, UN human rights monitors visited four Department of Combatting Illegal Migration (DCIM) facilities in Tripoli, where they interviewed detainees who have fled conflict, persecution and extreme poverty from States across Africa and Asia, according to the High Commissioner’s Office (OHCHR).

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13. November 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Le HCR évacue des migrants africains de Libye · Kategorien: Libyen, Niger · Tags: ,

UNHCR organisiert Abschiebungen aus Libyen nach Niger.

rfi | 13.11.2017

Un groupe de 25 migrants originaires d’Erythrée, d’Ethiopie et du Soudan qui étaient bloqués en Libye dans une situation très grande vulnérabilité ont été évacués samedi 11 novembre au Niger par le haut-commissariat aux réfugiés. Ces migrants, après avoir été identifiés comme des réfugiés en Libye par le HCR, seront hébergés dans une maison d’hôte à Niamey en attendant que leur demande de réinstallation dans un autre pays soit traitée. Ce type d’évacuation est une première.

Selon le haut-commissariat aux réfugiés, cette procédure inédite et complexe a été élaborée sur la base de plusieurs constats : d’abord, parmi les migrants détenus souvent dans des conditions abominables en Libye, plusieurs centaines peuvent prétendre au statut de réfugiés.

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01. November 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „The Refugee Crisis Is a City Crisis“ · Kategorien: Lesetipps, Social Mix · Tags: ,

CITYLAB | 27.10.2017

World leaders are negotiating a global compact on refugees. Urban leaders need a seat at that table.

Bruce Katz & Jessica Brandt

Since the end of August, more than half a million Rohingya, a predominantly Muslim minority in Burma (Myanmar), have fled violence in that country and crossed the border into Bangladesh in what the United Nations is calling the fastest-growing refugee crisis in the world today. Meanwhile, millions of Syrian and Iraqi refugees displaced by civil war continue to be dispersed to towns and cities throughout the region and in Europe.

Against this backdrop, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi spoke last month during the General Assembly in New York to talk about a new approach for dealing with refugees, one in which those forced to flee their homes are integrated more permanently into urban areas rather than isolated in camps. “Inclusion is the name of the game,” Grandi said. Under this new model, “Cities are frontline players in dealing with refugees.”

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23. Oktober 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „UN Migration Agency Providing Emergency Support to Thousands of Migrants Affected by Sabratha Conflict“ · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: , ,

IOM | 17.10.2017

Sabratha – In the aftermath of weeks of conflict in the Libyan coastal city of Sabratah, IOM, the UN Migration Agency is providing support to more than 14,000 migrants, previously held in numerous informal detention centres and camps and now transferred to Zuwara and an assembly point in Sabratha.

Since the outbreak of the crisis in recent weeks, 6,700 migrants have received core relief packages, which include mattresses, blankets, pillows and hygiene kits at six separate locations and more than 100,000 meals (including water and juice) have been provided in Zuwara and Sabratha. IOM has also responded to the vast health needs and conducted 1,631 medical interventions and treated 23 injury cases. In addition, 21 women have received pregnancy care including deliveries, while 476 migrants (250 men, 161 women and 65 children) have received psychosocial support.

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21. Oktober 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libya: Refugees and migrants held captive by smugglers in deplorable conditions · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: ,

UNHCR | 17.10.2017

This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Andrej Mahecic – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today’s press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

For over a week, UNHCR teams have been working around the clock to meet the urgent needs of over 14,500 migrants and refugees who were being held captive by smugglers in different locations, including farms, houses and warehouses in and around the coastal city of Sabratha in Libya. The refugees and migrants were taken to a hangar in the Dahman area in Sabratha that has been serving as an assembly point since the onset of the crisis. From there, refugees and migrants are being transferred by authorities to official detention centres where humanitarian agencies are providing lifesaving assistance.

Libyan authorities estimate that an additional 6,000 migrants and refugees are still being held by smugglers. If confirmed, this would bring the total number of refugees and migrants held in Sabratha to 20,500, including those in official detention centres.

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18. Oktober 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „UNHCR: There are more than 20.000 immigrants in Libya’s Sabratha“ · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: ,

The Libya Observer | 17.10.2017

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees said that the total number of refugees and migrants held in Sabratha is 20.500, including those in official detention centers, adding that they are living in terrible conditions.

UNCHR’s spokesman stated in a Geneva presser that for over a week, their teams have been working around the clock to meet the urgent needs of over 14,500 migrants and refugees who were being held captive by smugglers in different locations, including farms, houses and warehouses in and around the coastal city of Sabratha in Libya.

He added that the refugees and migrants were taken to a hangar in the Dahman area in Sabratha that has been serving as an assembly point since the onset of the crisis. From there, refugees and migrants are being transferred by authorities to official detention centers where humanitarian agencies are providing lifesaving assistance.

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10. Oktober 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Frankreich eröffnet erste „Hotspots“ in Afrika · Kategorien: Frankreich, Niger · Tags: ,

n-tv | 10.10.2017

Frankreich geht in der Asylpolitik neue Wege: In Kürze eröffnet die Flüchtlingsbehörde Büros in den afrikanischen Transitländern Niger und Tschad. Durch Prüfung der Asylchancen vorab soll der „Zustrom von Wirtschaftsflüchtlingen“ eingedämmt werden.

Frankreich will bereits in den kommenden Wochen Büros in den afrikanischen Transitländern Niger und Tschad eröffnen. Um den „Zustrom von Wirtschaftsflüchtlingen“ einzudämmen, sollten Ausreisewillige ohne Chance auf Asyl zudem besser über die „Situation“ aufgeklärt werden, sagte Präsident Emmanuel Macron nach einem Treffen mit UN-Flüchtlingskommissar Filippo Grandi.

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01. Oktober 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Staat übernimmt Flüchtlingsversorgung: Chaos in Griechenland“ · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags: ,

derStandard | 29.09.2017

Wenige Ärzte, viele Lücken: Die Regierung hat von NGOs und Uno die Versorgung der Migranten übernommen. Personal dafür kommt aber erst

Markus Bernath

Das Zentrum für Krankheitskontrolle im Norden Athens stellt in diesen Wochen in großem Stil ein. Befristete Arbeitsverträge für 850 Ärzte und Krankenschwestern hat die staatliche Behörde ausgeschrieben. Ein unerhörter Vorgang im Griechenland der Schuldenkrise und der Sparpolitik.

Der Einsatzort gilt zwar als nicht sonderlich attraktiv. Gesucht wird medizinisches Personal für die Flüchtlingslager auf den Inseln in der Ostägäis. Doch seit die griechische Regierung im Vormonat das Management der Flüchtlingskrise von der Vielzahl der internationalen und lokalen Hilfsorganisationen übernommen hat, tut sich zumindest für die Griechen eine Chance auf: Es gibt neue Jobs, finanziert aus Millionenbudgets der EU wie schon zuvor für die Hilfsorganisationen.

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29. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für UN will Transitzentrum für Flüchtlinge in Libyen einrichten · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: ,

Internationale | 29.09.2017

L’Onu vuole aprire un centro di transito per i profughi in Libia

Annalisa Camilli

Un contingente di 250 soldati nepalesi arriverà in Libia in questi giorni per garantire sicurezza alla base militare dell’Onu di Tripoli. Se tutto andrà come previsto, spiega Roberto Mignone, capomissione dell’Alto commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati (Unhcr), all’inizio di novembre anche il personale internazionale dell’organizzazione, che dal 2014 si è spostato a Tunisi per ragioni di sicurezza, potrebbe tornare in Libia in pianta stabile.

La notizia dell’invio delle guardie di sicurezza dell’Onu, che qualche giorno fa era stata data da Ghassan Salamé, l’inviato speciale dell’Onu in Libia, è confermata da Mignone, che è in Italia insieme ad alcuni funzionari del governo di unità nazionale libico guidato da Fayez al Serraj. “La situazione in Libia è molto complicata dal punto di vista della sicurezza anche per il personale dell’Onu”, spiega Mignone a Internazionale. “Il 25 settembre a Tripoli ci sono stati combattimenti e ho dovuto comunicare al nostro personale che sarebbe stato meglio lavorare da casa. Qualche mese fa un nostro convoglio è stato attaccato a trenta chilometri da Tripoli. Per fortuna i colleghi stanno bene, ma la situazione è davvero difficile”.

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