01. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Multimedia · Kategorien: Video
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01. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Flüchtlinge in Serbien: Die Vergessenen“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Serbien, Video

Quelle: Spiegel Online | 01.01.2017

Seit Ungarn seine Grenzkontrollen verschärft hat, stecken viele Flüchtlinge in Serbien fest. Allein in Belgrad leben mehr als 1000 auf der Straße – sie kämpfen gegen Kälte, Hunger und Hoffnungslosigkeit.

28. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Piana di Gioia Tauro, MeduOnlus: “Più di 2mila migranti accampati in condizioni di vita disastrose” – Video · Kategorien: Italien, Video · Tags:

Quelle: Il Fatto Quotidiano | 28.12.2016

Nella zona industriale di San Ferdinando sono più di 2mila i migranti accampati tra tende, baracche e stabili abbandonati in condizioni di vita e di lavoro disastrose. Il Protocollo Operativo in materia di accoglienza e integrazione sottoscritto quasi un anno fa in Prefettura con Regione e Comuni è rimasto lettera morta. Un quadro disperante a sette anni dalla cosiddetta “rivolta di Rosarno”. Medici per i Diritti Umani chiede che vengano attuate misure immediate e nel lungo periodo volte ad assicurare condizioni dignitose ai lavoratori che ogni anno giungono nella Piana di Gioia Tauro per la stagione agrumicola.

27. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Appalling conditions at Greek refugee camps despite EU’s multi-million pound aid spend – video“ · Kategorien: Griechenland, Video · Tags:

Quelle: The Guardian | 22.12.2016

‘I want the world to know about the conditions we are living in’: 11-year-old Syrian refugee Yamama shows Guardian journalists around her makeshift home within a disused warehouse. Her family are one of 60,000 people stranded in Greece, where the snow started falling earlier this month. While some have been moved into housing blocks, an estimated 20,000 are left in derelict accommodation without cooking facilities, adequate heating, reliable electricity and little in the way of education. This is in spite of millions of pounds of EU funding to deal with the crisis handed out to major NGOs and the Greek government, leading to accusations of mismanagement.

24. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Torn apart and living in uncertainty · Kategorien: Deutschland, Griechenland, Video · Tags:

Families who were separated during their escape cannot be denied the right to live together any longer

Two new video clips by Moving Europe and Medico International

“My daughter calls me uncle and does not want to speak to me any longer”, says Ahmed and struggles to hold back his tears. The Syrian has been separated from his wife and two-year-old daughter for a year and two months. By now, the daughter does not even know anymore that Ahmed is her father, that she even has a father. Although Ahmed is now safe in Germany, waiting for his family and the estrangement of his little daughter who still waits with her mother in Greece for the realisation of family reunification, distresses him.

Ten-year old Tasnim came to Germany a year ago with her uncle. Her mother Amani is also still in Greece. They escaped the Syrian war together but when crossing over from Turkey to Greece, they lost one another. While it would only take a few hours on a plane, they cannot reunite. The separation pains them and they can hardly bear this state of uncertainty, not knowing when they will see each other again.

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23. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für How to Stop a Deportation · Kategorien: Video · Tags: ,

Quelle: You Tube

A short film that wants to encourage people to resist against deportations!

19. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „What is the world doing for migrants?“ – Video · Kategorien: Hintergrund, Video

Quelle: Al Jazeera | 18.12.2016

There are more migrants in the world than ever before, with many left with no choice but to leave their own country.

It is International Migrants Day. Migrants and refugees cross borders in search of better economic and social conditions. Many others are forced to flee conflict or persecution. The current record level of mass movement of displaced people has given rise to xenophobia and calls for tighter border controls.

Ban Ki-moon, the outgoing UN secretary-general, is calling for compassion for migrants and refugees. But is anybody listening?

Presenter: Jane Dutton


  • Florian Hartleb, specialist in populist European Politics and a lecturer at Eichstatt University.
  • Paal Nesse, senior adviser with the Norwegian Refugee Council.
  • Leonard Doyle, spokesman for the International Organization for Migration.
18. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Griechenland: „Zufluchtsort Hotel“ · Kategorien: Griechenland, Video · Tags: ,

Quelle: ARD Weltspiegel | 16.12.2016

Griechenland ächzt unter der Flüchtlingskrise. Aber statt zu resignieren, hat sich ein Hotelier auf der Insel Evia etwas überlegt. Er bietet Flüchtlingen in seinem Hotel eine Bleibe und hilft ihnen bei der Integration und bei ihrem Neustart in der EU.

Von Richard C. Schneider, ARD-Studio Rom

18. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Migliaia sfilano a Roma per diritti dei migranti: “Chiediamo reddito giusto e dignità”“ · Kategorien: Italien, Video · Tags:

Quelle: Il Fatto Quotidiano | 18.12.2016

17. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Angst vor Hetze, Staunen über Scheidungen: Was Flüchtlinge posten“ · Kategorien: Medien · Tags: ,

Quelle: derStandard | 16.12.2016

Facebook spielt vor, während und nach der Flucht eine große Rolle für Asylwerber, zeigen Berichte des UNHCR


Es ist Zahltag – und die Flüchtlinge bekommen so viel Geld, dass sie große schwarze Müllsäcke zum Bankomaten mitgenommen haben, um ihre Mindestsicherung transportieren zu können. Mit diesem unzählige Male geteilten Foto schafften drei junge Asylwerber einen viralen Beitrag, der sowohl als Kommentar auf die Erwartungen der Familienmitglieder in Syrien und Irak als auch auf die Vorurteile mancher Europäer verstanden werden kann. Denn ihr Leben in Europa ist für die meisten Flüchtlinge nicht so, wie sie es sich vor dem Aufbruch erwartet haben.

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