02. Februar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Nord-Mali: die Erfindung der Tuaregs und die Übermacht der Nationalstaaten · Kategorien: Mali, Sahara · Tags:

What do the Touareg want?


ANALYSIS: Secular nationalist? Loyalist? Die-hard Islamist? – what are the currents of opinion among the Touareg of Northern Mali? (First published in Al Jazeera English eMagazine, Jan 2013)

Touareg boy watching Camel Race, T. Essako

What do the Touareg want? Well, find me a person called ‘the Touareg’ and maybe he or she will tell us. You might as well find ‘the English’ or ‘the Japanese’ and ask them what they want while you’re at it.
A nation or people rarely if ever think as one. In the case of the Touareg, difference and disharmony is exacerbated by their vast desert habitat and dispersed nomadic lifestyle, both of which tend to foster an allegiance to blood and tribe that is stronger than their attachment to nation or ideology and militate against collective thought or action.

It can be argued that the very notion of a people called ‘The Touareg’ is an invention of 19th century explorers and anthropologists, who adopted this supra-tribal and alien, i.e. Arab, collective noun to group together the Amazigh or Berber speaking nomadic tribes of the southern Sahara. Before ‘Touareg’ there were only different clans loosely affiliated by their language and cultural habits; Taitoq, Kel Ghela, Kel Ajjer, Kel Gress, Kel Fadey, Kel Ferwan, Ifoghas, Taghat Mellet, Iwellemeden, Chamanamas, Kel Antessar, Daoussahak…the list is long.

And all these clans were further sub-divided into sub-clans and sub-sub-clans. Within one of the six large confederations – the Kel Ahaggar, Kel Ajjer, Kel Aïr, Kel Adagh, Iwellemeden and Kel Taddemakkat – clans and sub-clans were organized into a complex hierarchy of nobles, vassals, warriors, artisans, marabout and slaves. This intricate social structure, which is well nigh-impossible for an outsider to grasp instinctively, underpins modern Touareg politics, despite the considerable erosion of the old clan system in the past century or so.

This historical backdrop, coupled with the fact that the Touareg share their living space with other ethnicities like the Arabs, Fulani and Songhoi, all of whom have their own layered clan structure, makes the Sahara one of the most complex places on earth for an outsider to understand.

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02. Februar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Nord-Mali: „Nomadic herds must be restocked“ · Kategorien: Mali, Sahara

Northern Mali – Options, what options??!!


February 1, 2013

ANALYSIS: Just how huge are the challenges facing Mali (First published in January 2013 by Aljazeera English Online)

A panorama of Kidal in north

The MNLA and MIA have taken control of Kidal and welcomed in the French army. Chadian troops, who are less welcome thanks to bitter memories of the conflict between Touareg fighting for Ghadafi and the Chadian army in the Aouzou strip three decades ago, are also in Kidal. Following a reported meeting between the MNLA top brass and the Chadian government a few weeks ago, this move was probably carefully premeditated.  It’s also clear that the MNLA made some kind of deal with the French in the days, or even weeks, leading up to the arrival of French helicopters and transport planes on Kidal’s makeshift beaten-earth runway last Wednesday. What seems spontaneous in northern Mali often proves to have strategic and well-planned roots. As far as the Touareg leadership in Kidal is concerned, the most important aspect of the French arrival in Kidal is that they didn’t bring the Malian army with them. This intelligent decision benefits all parties.  First it avoids the prospect of the Malian army running riot in the heart of ‘enemy territory’ and no doubt suffering considerable casualties at the hands of the MNLA / MIA coaltion, who are still heavily armed. Secondly, it gives the French time to pursue the remnants of the Islamist coalition who are apparently still hiding out in the remote Tegharghar mountains north of the town, although I suspect that most of the foreign jihadists have already vanished from the region altogether.  Thirdly, it gives France and the international coalition behind it the chance to say that the mission in northern, or rather its first phase, has been successfully completed.  It also gives the region some breathing space to contemplate the must harder challenges that lie ahead.

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02. Februar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Nord-Mali: Interview mit Alghabass Ag Intalla (Islamische Bewegung des Azawad – MIA) · Kategorien: Frankreich, Mali, Sahara · Tags:

Folgendes Interview mit einem der anscheinend mächtigsten Warlords in Nord-Mali wird aus dokumentarischen Gründen widergegeben:

Interview with Alghabass Ag Intalla, head of the Islamic Movement of Azawad (MIA)

January 31, 2013

The heir apparent to the most powerful Touareg tribe in northern Mali speaks…

Alghabass Ag Intalla, leader of the MIA

I connducted this interview with Alghabass Ag Intallah over the phone late last Monday night, as he was preparing to bed down in a desert camp somewhere near Kidal. He sounded tired but quite relaxed. He gave his answers in a good though heavily accented French, which he spoke quietly without any great emphasis. He had contacted me the day before through a Touareg friend, who said that Alghabass wanted to give an interview to explain the platform of his new political movement. As he is undoubtedly one of the most important players in the drama that is current unfolding in the far north east of Mali, which involves various factions of the Touareg community, the French army, Chadian soldiers, Mali and the wider international community, who are waiting at a distance with baited breath to see what happens, an opportunity to interview him was one that I couldn’t possibly refuse.

First a bit of background: Alghabass Ag Intalla is the leader of the new and supposedly moderate Touareg Islamist movement, the Islamic Movement of Azawad (MIA in French). He’s the son of the hereditary chief of the Ifoghas, the dominant ‘noble’ Touareg tribe in the far north east of Mali. The Ifoghas have ruled the vast Adagh region, whose capital is Kidal,  since the arrival of the French in the early 1900s. They have also taken a leading role in all the Touareg rebellions since 1962.  In late 2011, Alghabass was nominated heir apparent to the position of amenokal or chief of the Ifoghas. When the Touareg rebellion broke out in January 2012, his father Intalla Ag Attaher took a decidedly moderate and anti-Islamist stance, disowning the belligerent and radical Salafist Touareg rebel leader Iyad Ag Ghali, who belongs to a lesser branch of the Ifoghas clan.

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02. Februar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Mali und die Rückkehr des Rassismus: Afrika als Kontinent der Gewalt · Kategorien: Mali, Sahara · Tags:

Auf dem renommierten relativ kritischen Internetportal Rue89 gibt ein Artikel von Vincent Crouzet die Zeitgeist-Stimmung wieder, die bis hin zu den Linken greift: Afrika sei schon immer von Gewalt geprägt gewesen. Vor dem Hintergrund erscheint die französische militärische Intervention als zivilisatorische Mission.


01. Februar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Nord-Mali – Mauretanien: Flucht und Flüchtlingslager · Kategorien: Frankreich, Mali, Mauretanien, Sahara · Tags:

Escape from Mali’s turmoil


Mohammed Adow, based in Nairobi, has over 10 years of experience reporting from across Africa.
January 30, 2013 – 09:18

There is no let-up in the exodus from the north of Mali where French and Malian troops are battling rebels.

Thousands of Malians have become refugees since France began military operations in the north of the country against rebel groups such as the al-Qaeda-allied Ansar al-Dine and the Movement for Unity and Jihad (MUJAO).

Most are fleeing to neighbouring countries already struggling to provide earlier waves of refugees with food and water. At least 800 refugees cross over to Mauritania daily, according to the UN refugee agency UNHCR.

They are joining already overcrowded camps.

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31. Januar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Mali: Human Rights Watch fordert internationale Menschenrechtsbeobachter gegenüber malischer Armee · Kategorien: Mali, Sahara · Tags:

Philippe Bolopion

Mali, l’honneur de la France

29 janvier 2013

L’armée française devrait s’assurer que son allié malien n’empêche pas les journalistes d’enquêter à Sévaré et ailleurs. Au lieu de détourner le regard, elle devrait préserver les preuves de violations graves et protéger les témoins, pour que la justice malienne et la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) puissent faire leur travail.

Au Mali, l’opération Serval commence à peine mais, dans son sillage, émergent déjà des violations graves des droits de l’homme par des éléments de l’armée malienne. A Sévaré, récemment menacée par les groupes islamistes armés, les soldats français patrouillent non loin d’un puits dans lequel des cadavres anonymes, maintenant recouverts d’une couche de terre rouge, se décomposent.

A Seribala, non loin de Niono, un témoin oculaire nous a décrit l’exécution par des soldats maliens de deux civils touareg, avant que des gens ne pillent leurs maisons. Nous enquêtons aussi sur des viols perpétrés par des militaires maliens près de Sévaré.

Il faut reconnaître aux dirigeants français le mérite d’avoir envoyé des messages fermes aux responsables maliens, affirmant que les „dérapages“ ne seraient pas tolérés.

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31. Januar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Mali Analysis: The dynamics of inter-communal violence (IRIN) · Kategorien: Mali, Sahara · Tags:

Analysis: The dynamics of inter-communal violence in Mali


BAMAKO/TIMBUKTU/DAKAR, 31 January 2013 (IRIN) – Ethnic Tuaregs and Arabs in towns across central and northern Mali, including Gao and Timbuktu, have been fleeing into the desert or to neighbouring countries as their houses and shops are looted or they are hunted down on suspicion of being Islamist militants. Fears of inter-communal violence are spreading.
Shops and houses owned by Tuaregs, Arabs or Mauritanians in Timbuktu have been looted since 28 January, according to local reports.

Moulaye Cherif Haïdara, a Malian journalist with national media bureau ORTM, told IRIN from Timbuktu: “Almost all of the Arabs have fled Timbuktu, fearing reprisal attacks. Many here believe Arabs were complicit with the Islamist groups who terrorized populations over recent months.”
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31. Januar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Nord-Mali – offener Brief von Touareg- und Tamazight-Vereinigungen, 26.01.2013 · Kategorien: Mali, Sahara · Tags:

Lettre ouverte à M. Le Président de la République Française au sujet de l’intervention française au Mali


Monsieur le Président,

La France est intervenue militairement au Mali le 11 janvier 2013, officiellement « afin de stopper l’avancée des islamistes armés vers le sud, menaçant Bamako » et de mettre un terme au terrorisme islamiste au Mali.

Nous, organisations et citoyens Français-Amazighs, de culture laïque et profondément attachés aux valeurs de justice, de liberté et de respect des droits humains, avons applaudi l’initiative française dès lors qu’elle visait clairement et seulement à combattre le terrorisme islamiste et le banditisme lié notamment au trafic de drogue.
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31. Januar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Nord-Mali: Kidal – erobert, aber keine Präsenz der malischen Armee · Kategorien: Frankreich, Mali, Sahara · Tags:

Die französische Armee hat Kidal erobert und baut dort eine Präsenz nigrischer und tschadischer Militärs auf. Die malische Armee durfte nicht dorthin vorrücken. Einerseits scheinen sich dort französische Militärs und lokale Tuaregs verständigt zu haben, andererseits hat das malische Parlament die „feulle de route“ angenommen, die als Fahrplan die malische „Wiedereroberung“ Nord-Malis vorsieht.


La reprise des villes du Nord n’est pas une fin de partie : Les Français à Kidal sans les Maliens

par Salem Ferdi

Des militaires français sont arrivés à Kidal… sans les militaires maliens, dont l’avancée au Nord dans le sillage des Français est marquée par des exactions et des pillages contre les «peaux claires».
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30. Januar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Sahelzone als Schlachtfeld · Kategorien: Mali, Sahara · Tags:
