27. März 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Can resettlement prevent irregular migration?“ · Kategorien: Eritrea · Tags: ,

Al Jazeera | 27.03.2017

Accessible resettlement programmes for refugees in Africa can curb irregular immigration to the West and save lives.

By Nassim Majidi and Jessica Hagen-Zanker

By the time Dawit arrived in Ethiopia aged 29, he had been twice arrested and imprisoned by the Eritrean government. We met Dawit in a refugee camp called Adi Harush in Northern Ethiopia, where he had settled nine months earlier, hoping to build his future in the host country. Despite being a qualified health professional, his hopes were quickly dashed by the limited employment options in Ethiopia. He could not find a way of supporting himself, let alone his ageing parents back in Eritrea.

Ethiopia is a leading country of asylum in the region. Dawit is one of more than 700,000 refugees in the country. Western governments are eager to keep them there and are increasingly using aid to prevent or reduce irregular onward migration.

These days, Dawit dreams of going to Europe where he has Eritrean friends. He has heard that they are allowed to work and study. Having applied for resettlement, he feels disillusioned. Others who applied later than him have been accepted, but his turn has not yet come.

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21. März 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Face to face with the Eritrean exodus into Ethiopia“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Eritrea

IRIN | 16.03.2017

Under the early morning sun in the most northern region of Ethiopia a motley group of Eritrean men, women and children arrive dusty and tired at the end of a journey – and at the start of another.

James Jeffrey

After crossing the border under cover of darkness (leaving Eritrea without authorisation is a crime punishable by up to five years in jail), they are found by Ethiopian soldiers and taken to Adinbried – a compound of modest buildings at one of the 12 so-called “entry points” dotted along this barren 910-kilometre border. This is where their long asylum process will begin.

“It took us four days travelling from Asmara,” a 31-year-old man tells IRIN of his trek from the Eritrean capital, about 80 kilometres north of the border. “We travelled for 10 hours each night, sleeping in the desert during the day.”

With him are another three men, three women, six girls and four small boys. The smuggler who guided them charged $2,500 each.

“He was good,” the man says. “He showed us the safe paths, and helped carry the children on his shoulders. He didn’t ask for more money like some do.”

He says they carried very little because of the distance and because they didn’t want to betray their intentions to Eritrean soldiers.

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14. März 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für MSF: „Dying to reach Europe“ · Kategorien: Eritrea · Tags:


Eritreans in search of safety

“On 3 October 2016, a joint team from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and SOS Méditerranée rescued 721 people from an overcrowded wooden boat drifting off the coast of Libya. Of these people, 685 (95%) were from Eritrea, and 197 (25%) of the Eritreans were unaccompanied children. Of the women on board, several were pregnant and others were severely sick. Many of those we rescued demonstrated physical and psychological trauma from beatings, rapes, threats and deprived living conditions throughout their journey – from Eritrea, through Ethiopia, Sudan and the Sahara desert to Libya. They showed us their scars and told us their terrible stories. We identified their ailments and treated them as best we could. The majority said they were aware of the dangers of crossing the Mediterranean Sea, but considered it their only option to seek safety and protection.”

26. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Europe’s crackdown on African immigration is hitting vulnerable refugees“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Eritrea, Europa, Sudan

Quelle: The Guardian | 26.01.2017

The EU is involved in secret talks with Sudan and Eritrea to prevent an exodus to southern Europe, leaving thousands at the mercy of repressive regimes

Documents cited in the Guardian on Monday showing that the UK government downplayed the risk of human rights abuses in Eritrea in an attempt to reduce asylum-seeker numbers are the latest indication of Britain’s determination to reduce African immigration. But this is a Europe-wide initiative, co-ordinated in Brussels.

With French, German, Dutch and Italian elections later this year, there is intense pressure across the European Union to cut the flows of refugees and migrants across the Mediterranean. European plans to deal with the question have been veiled in secrecy, since they involve close cooperation with some of Africa’s most notorious dictatorships.

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25. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Sudan’s RSF arrests 64 illegal migrants near Libyan border“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Eritrea, Sudan · Tags: ,

Quelle: EastAFRO.com | 25.01.2017

January 24, 2017 (EL-FASHER) – The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on Tuesday has thwarted an operation to smuggle a group of 64 illegal migrants across the desert to Libya, said North Darfur state official.

In press statements on Tuesday, North Darfur Deputy Governor Mohamed Braima Hasab al-Nabi said the captured migrants are from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Yemen, pointing the group includes 48 men, 10 women and 6 children.

He added they are currently being held in North Darfur, saying they would be handed over to the Ministry of Interior to take the necessary measures.

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14. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Israel asylum seekers: ‚They want to break our spirits‘ · Kategorien: Eritrea, Israel, Sudan · Tags:

Quelle: Al Jazeera | 14.01.2017

Sudanese and Eritreans who fled to Israel to escape persecution are finding refugee status nearly impossible to obtain.

Tel Aviv – They have fled war and repression, forced conscription and ethnic cleansing. Yet the vast majority of the estimated 45,000 African asylum seekers in Israel – mostly Eritreans and Sudanese – are not granted refugee status.

Between 2009 and 2013, Israel recognised just 0.15 percent of asylum claims, a rate far lower than in other developed countries.

Israel’s government argues that the Africans are economic migrants, not refugees. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has labelled asylum seekers as „infiltrators“ who could demographically overwhelm Israel’s identity as a Jewish state .

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11. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Eritrea: Nordkorea Afrikas oder alles halb so schlimm?“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Eritrea

Quelle: Telepolis | 11.01.2017

Nicole Hirt über die Fluchgründe Armut und institutionelle Zwangsarbeit und die Menschenrechtslage, die EU-Diplomaten schönreden

Dirk Eckert

Viele Menschen, die von Afrika nach Europa geflüchtet sind, stammen aus Eritrea. Laut Bundespolizei reisten im November 677 Personen aus Eritrea unerlaubt in Deutschland ein, 480 aus Afghanistan und je 340 aus Syrien und dem Irak. In Italien landeten im vergangenen Jahr nach Angaben der EU-Grenzschutzagentur Frontex 20.000 Eritreer. Unter den insgesamt 170.000 Flüchtlingen war das die zweitgrößte Gruppe nach den Nigerianern (36.000).

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22. November 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für ‚They got the wrong man,‘ says people-smuggling suspect · Kategorien: Eritrea, Großbritannien, Italien, Sudan · Tags: ,

Quelle: The Guardian | 22.11.2016

Exclusive: Private post from account of ‘Medhanie Yehdego’ adds to doubts over case against Eritrean in custody in Sicily

A man believed to be one of the world’s most wanted people smugglers, whom British police claimed to have helped to arrest and extradite to Italy, seems to have said this week that he remains at large and that an innocent man was seized and extradited in his place.

In private messages sent from his Facebook account and later seen by the Guardian, Medhanie Yehdego Mered said that another Eritrean man facing trial on Tuesday in Sicily, accused of being Mered, is in fact the victim of mistaken identity.

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18. Oktober 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Flüchtlinge aus Eritrea: In die Illegalität getrieben“ · Kategorien: Eritrea, Schweiz · Tags:

Quelle: WOZ

Der politische Druck war hoch. Nun erhalten eritreische Flüchtlinge auch keinen vorübergehenden Schutz mehr in der Schweiz. Das Staatssekretariat für Migration stützt sich auf Erkenntnisse einer Mission in Eritrea selbst. Doch diese sind mehr als lückenhaft. Und die Verschärfung hat fatale Konsequenzen.

Von Olivier Würgler

Abel* könnte bereits nächsten Sommer eine Ausbildung als Automechaniker beginnen. Er spricht ausgesprochen gut deutsch. Doch seine Zukunft sieht düster aus. Diesen September erhielt er seinen Wegweisungsentscheid. Das Staatssekretariat für Migration (SEM) hat ihn aufgefordert, die Schweiz bis Mitte November zu verlassen. Der heute 21-jährige Abel ist vor zwei Jahren von Eritrea in die Schweiz geflohen, kurz bevor er in den Militärdienst eingezogen wurde. Dieser dauert in Eritrea oft mehrere Jahrzehnte und findet gemäss Uno teilweise unter sklavenähnlichen Bedingungen statt. Eine Dienstpflicht besteht auch für Frauen.

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04. Juli 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen, Eritrea: Abschiebungen in Vorbereitung · Kategorien: Eritrea, Libyen · Tags:

Quelle: The Libya Observer

Eritrean immigrants arrested in Libya’s Misrata

At least 90 illegal immigrants have been arrested in Misrata, local authorities reported on Sunday.

The Fight Against Illegal Immigration Bureau said 97 Eritrean immigrants, including 22 women, were caught red-handed as they were about to launch their journey to Italy from one of the city’s shores.


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