Gestern wurden in Ungarn erneut Verschärfungen in der Asylgesetzgebung im Parlament verabschiedet. Migráns Solidaritás hatte bereits letzte Woche dagegen protestiert (Links zu deren Blog und Videos von den Protesten siehe unten)…
Migráns Szolidaritás (Migrant Solidarity Group), whose members are refugees, migrants and Hungarians – demonstrated on 2nd of June in front of the Hungarian Ministry of Interior. The Hungarian Parliament accepted yesterday a legislation which will violate the human rights of the asylum seekers and refugees:
from 1 July, 2013, asylum-seekers will be criminalised. The Office of Immigration and Nationality would have power to place them into detention for up to 6 months. The only ‘reason’ for this rule is to deter those from applying for refugee protection in Hungary.
the “pre-integration” time spent in the Bicske camp would be limited to 2 months. Migrant Solidarity Group does not believe it possible to ‘integrate’ into Hungarian society and have a independent life after 2 months at Bicske camp.
the already extremely short time left for legal appeal against a negative asylum-decision – 15 days – will be shortened to 8 days. Again, the only ‘reason’ for this new change is to make the asylum-seekers’ chances of successfully legally challenging a negative decision by the OIN even less possible.
The aim of the protest against this new legislation was to raise awareness among the parliamentarians and to point out that the Parliament should not punish the asylum seekers by detaining them, cannot violate their legal rights and should not make the integration of these people’s life (who have been recognised as refugees by the Hungarian Government) even more difficult. Instead of brutal detention centers and over crowded “pre-integration” centers the asylum seekers and refugees should receive proper social and legal help and provide them with social housing, easier access to the labour market and proper health care.
Video and Invitation to the protest on the Website of MigSzol:
Longer video with all speeches to be found here: