Dear all,
We have informed you already about the ongoing protests of refugees in the so called pre-integration-camp in Bicske/ Hungary. We expect the OIN (Office of Immigration and Nationality) to plan the eviction of the refugees from Bicske already this week. We want to invite you to protest via joining a Fax- and Email-campaign and/or even to think about actions in front of the Hungarian embassies.
We do not really expect a real solution from the Hungarian government, which is threatening even Hungarian citizens who become homeless with criminalisation. But we hope for a sign of solidarity and we would like to use it also as another brick in the European discussion about an unequal treatment of refugees, who are forced to live in certain countries due to the Dublin II-agreement. Their demands are simple: they ask for social rights and adequate housing.
For further information and if you want to send solidarity messages to the protesters, please use the contact of the local solidarity-group:
Blog Migráns Solidaritás / Migrant Solidarity Budapest: (The Blog will have also a newsticker to keep you informed when the eviction starts)
Twitter: MigSzolCsop
Below you find the contacts to Hungarian authorities and a protest-letter. Please send it as soon as possible via Email or Fax to the following addresses:
Email-Addresses of Hungarian Embassies and OIN (Hungarian migration):
Hungarian Embassies:,,,,,,,,
OIN Hungary: Végh Zsuzsanna, General Director of OIN:
Fax-Numbers of Hungarian Embassies and OIN:
- OIN Hungary: 0036 (0) 6 (1) 463-9135
- Austria-Vienna: 00 43 – 1 – 5 32 11 17
- France-Paris: 00 33 – 1 – 56 36 02 68
- Germany-Berlin: 049 (0)30-394-13-85; 0049 (0)30-229-16-66 and Munich (consulate): 0049 (0)89-96 22 80 240 (Sekretariat); 0049 (0)89 – 96 22 80 241 (Konsularabt.)
- Sweden-Stockholm: (0046) 8 660 29 59
- Switzerland-Bern: 00 41 – 31 – 3 51 20 01
- UK-London: (00 44) (20) 7823-1348
List of Hungarian embassies and consulates:
- Germany:
- Austria:
- France:
Letter of protest:
Subject: Refugees in Bicske threatened by homelessness
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I write to you to express my deep concerns about the tense situation of 92 refugees – among them many families with children – awaiting being forced into homelessness from the Bicske reception centre.
I got to know through media that since November 2012 already more than 100 Afghan refugees have been protesting against the social conditions and the lacking reception system for refugees in Hungary. They protested in front of the Hungarian parliament. Another demonstration took place in front of the EU House in Budapest. Most of the protestors have been granted protection by the Hungarian government.
Nevertheless, they are threatened by homelessness and extreme poverty. In March 2013 their time in the reception centre ran out and they are no longer tolerated in the camp. I have read the distressing news that OIN did not give them any other perspective than a few (not even enough for all 92 persons) emergency accommodations in homeless shelters, among them nothing dedicated to the needs of families. The people in the camp seem not to be receiving any benefits, no healthcare, no food, and no assistance by the social workers. Moreover, the families are being threatened that the state will take away the children, because the families cannot independently take care of them.
If they are kicked out like a lot of others before, most of the refugees will end up on the street. In the same time the criminalisation of homeless in Hungary even is part of the constitution.
The refugees’ demands are therefore simple and understandable: they just ask for a fair chance to participate in the society that they are living in. They don’t want to end up homeless, jobless and without access to the health system.
I ask you kindly to stop OIN from threatening and frightening these people who are already traumatized by the war and survived a long and difficult flight to Europe. I kindly urge you to take their demands into serious consideration and to help find solutions for the protesting refugees in Bicske.