16. März 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Wien: eipcp, Journal · Kategorien: Lesetipps


eipcp: flee erase territorialize

Transversal,  journal en ligne, nouveau numero : fuir, effacer, territorialiser

[transversal] new issue of transversal web journal: flee erase territorialize

flee erase territorialize
transversal web journal

The refugee protests in many EU countries have succeeded in drawing  widespread public attention and produced a strong media echo. There is  hope that the activism of the refugees and their supporters will at  least produce improvements in regards to the violation of human rights  in asylum procedures which even contradict rules established by the  Geneva Convention.

However, the protests far surpass the legal  realm. They raise the fundamental question if and how today’s  governmental procedures are compatible with democracy, if and  how  democracy can be viewed and realized in a globalized order that is  influenced by dramatic social, economical and political injustices.

In whatever the “we” of those with documents may consist, genuine democratic citizenship today can only be invented /with/ those who have no documents, with Sans-Papiers. In this sense fleeing is a movement  that erases the traces and mechanisms of identification, but at the same  time it also means to take refuge – not as an object or a victim, but  as self-determined occupation of territories, be they protest camps,  churches or new homes.


Contents/ Avec les textes en plusieurs langues de
Etienne Balibar
: What we owe to the Sans-papiers
Stefan Nowotny: Cynicism and Escape
Amine Germaine: The Man with No Chance (Interview)
Simo Kader: “I live like these animals, like the bats&hellip only at the night” (Interview)
Adalat Khan: The demand for a normal life (Interview)
Numan Muhammad: The Land is Equal (Interview)
Brigitta Kuster: Erase them! – The image as it is falling apart into looks (Video)
Tina Leisch: Burning Fingers
Gin Müller: Shelter in the Votive Church. Impressions of a Supporter of the Refugee Protests in the Votive Church
Ilker Ataç: The Self-Constitution of the Refugee Movement as a Political Subject
Brigitta Kuster / Vassilis S. Tsianos: Erase them! Eurodac and Digital Deportability
Helmut Dietrich: No Goodbye! The Departure from the South and the New Trans-Mediterranean Solidarity
Monika Mokre: Where Europe is falling apart and where it could emerge anew
Peter Waterhouse: FÜGUNGEN. Versuch über Flucht und Recht und Sprache

Demands of the Refugee Camp Vienna: https://refugeecampvienna.noblogs.org/demands/

This issue of transversal was developed in cooperation with the journals Kulturrisse (http://kulturrisse.at) and Malmoe (http://www.malmoe.org) and is part of the project Europe as a Translational Space: The Politics of Heterolinguality, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): TRP34-G15.
It reflects the events until February 2013.

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