After a 300-strong assembly held in Bologna, Italy, on february 17th, migrants from several cities (Bologna, Ferrara, Brescia, Verona, Ravenna, Modena, Milano, Piacenza, Padova, Reggio Emilia, Torino) call everyone for a mass political demonstration against institutional racism and exploitation, for the abolition of the Italian immigration law (Bossi-Fini).
All infos:
piazza XX settembre Bologna
Why we demonstrate:
For more than ten years we migrants have been in the chains of the Bossi-Fini law: our permesso di soggiorno depends on job and income, and in order to keep our documents regular we must accept any condition of work and any salary. If we lose our job we risk losing our permesso and our freedom. Already thousands of migrants after having built their lives here have had to leave the country losing years of paid contributions. Already thousands of migrants have had to separate from their families that have returned to their countries of origin. Our wages our consumed by taxes and the fees we must pay the Poste to renew a Permesso that frequently expires after few months. For whoever doesn’t have the permesso it is impossible to get one and every sanatoria is just a new scam. Right to asylum is only a farse and there is no real shelter!
This is institutional racism! This is exploitation!
Today, however, we migrants have started to dream again. We have accumulated strength on and outside of our places of work, we have left fear behind us and have begun to speak with one voice, women and men. Now the time has come to step out of our places of work, houses and communities to invade the streets of Bologna together! The moment has come to use our strength to liberate all migrants from institutional racism, migrants from all industries and conditions of life. We know that we are not alone, by our side there are our children that want citizenship to liberate themselves from the chains of the permesso di soggiorno. We know that with us there are italian workers, women and men: because they know that the Bossi-Fini law with its racism is a law that divides and weakens all workers, Italians and migrants.
We don’t want to be divided by law! No one will solve our problems for us,
only with our own force can we win and abolish the Bossi-Fini law!
We want freedom for all migrants together!
What do we want:
- We want the permesso di soggiorno to be guaranteed to everyone, independent of job and income!
- Let’s say stop to the institutional racism we face every day!
- No more scams sanatoria!
- No more farses of permessi umanitari or fake asylum!
- We want the CIE closed, once and for all!
Coordinamento Migranti Bologna e provincia