09. März 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Amsterdam, Flüchtlingsprotest: Demos und Aktionen · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags:

demo 23d of March in Amsterdam:

Next week big migrant demo in The Hague: March 12 & 13, 2013:

Action for residency rights and the right to exist!

On March 13 a General Deliberation for safety and justice will take place in the Tweede Kamer. The discussion will be about shelter, deportation and detention of immigrants. We, the rejected asylum seekers from de Vluchtkerk in Amsterdam, het Vluchthuis in Den Haag en various Asylum Seekers’ Centers (AZC) will take action on March 12 and 13 to bring attention to our problem. We cannot be deported and we have no rights, yet we are already living for years in the Netherlands.

We want residency rights and the possibility to live a normal life! A number of the refugees who protested in tent camps in 2011 and 2012 in Ter Apel were given shelter in different AZCs. Besides the deportation of refugees, including families, the subject of shelter and detention will be discussed in the Tweede Kamer, since state secretary Fred Teeven would like to put the groups of refugees who received shelter after Ter Apel on the street again. Despite the fact that we have been taking action since 2011 in response to our lack of rights, the Netherlands continues to exclude refugees and put them out on the street. We cannot go back to our native lands because we can cannot be certain for our lives. However, even here we are being denied our human rights. After years of uncertainty, imprisonment in detention centers and exclusion from all human rights, we would like residency rights in order to create a dignified existence for ourselves. Therefore, we shall demonstrate: Tuesday March 12:
 The evening before the debate in Den Haag, we will demonstrate through the Hague city center under the motto “We want residency rights and the right to exist!” Time: 19:00 Location: Julianaplein (in front of Centraal Station). Tuesday night until Wednesday morning March 12/13: After the march, we will spend the night on het Plein in front of the Tweede Kamer. This is the situation in which many of us must live and what some in the government would like to do to many more people: put us on the street, without healthcare, without work, and without even the prospect of a decent existence. Wedneday March 13:
 We will be present at the debate with as many people as possible until the hall is full to capacity. The rest of the people will protest on het Plein. We need as many people as possible to make these actions a success. That’s why we are calling on everyone to come to the actions in protest against inhumane refugee laws. Together we can make a difference! We want shelter, work and residency rights!

All Included Plantage Doklaan 12 1018 CM Amsterdam tel. +31 20 3795236


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