21. Februar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Belgium: Zeebrugge refugees numbered with indelible ink and belongings seized · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags: ,

Quele: International Busines Times

Police in a village on the coast of Belgium have been assigning serial numbers to refugees while street cleaners have been confiscating their belongings, a support group for refugees has claimed.

Hundreds of refugees have been forced to abandon the camps at Calais and Dunkirk – instead heading for the small port town of Zeebrugge in Belgium, where security has not yet been reinforced. The sleepy port runs services to Hull on England’s east coast, and many are hoping to use it as an alternative route from which to cross into the UK.

In the six weeks since the beginning of January, Belgian authorities have intercepted around 890 migrants without residency papers. Around 450 were en-route to Zeebrugge with the intention of reaching the UK.

Numbered with indelible ink

Amitiés Sans Frontières, a support group for refugees locally described as ‚left-wing‘, claimed refugees in Zeebrugge have told them how police had arrested many of them, before marking them with a number in indelible ink. As the police arrested them, they claimed, sanitary workers threw their sleeping bags and other belongings into trucks.

Loïc Fraiture, of Amitiés Sans Frontières, explained: „A group of Iranians told us police would regularly come and arrest them. It was not the first time (…) And so, there, when they are arrested, the police marks them with a number with a permanent marker on their hands, like animals.“

The Mayor of nearby Bruges, Renaat Landuyt, said he was not aware of the practice, but the police explained why it was marking the refugees with numbers. „The number is used to differentiate them,“ police officer Philippe Tankrey told local media. „When they are arrested, they end up in a collective cell. Some look alike and communication is usually difficult. Because they have no papers, we have decided to use this method in order to facilitate their registration.“

Landuyt added: „The message is: Belgium is not France“.

In Bruges, meanwhile, it was reported police had started attaching a bracelet – similar to ones used in hospitals – to identify refugees after many criticised the inked numbers. The authorities have also been cracking down on refugees by detaining those without papers and placing a ban on setting up tents in the area.

Harassment of refugees

Alexis Deswaef, President of the League of Human Rights, meanwhile claimed the authorities were doing everything to prevent the refugees from congregating on the Belgian coast.

„The League of Human Rights had made an appeal 15 years ago before the European Court of Human Rights for a similar case where Roma Gypsies were arrested – notably in Gand – where police has indicated a number on the forearm and hands of these people.“

„At the time, the European Court of Human Rights pointed to the clumsiness of the police,“ he explained, adding: „It’s almost a harassment of the refugees to ensure they leave because the authorities are fearful about them congregating in Zeebrugge and create a situation comparable to what’s happening in Dunkirk or Calais.“

07. Februar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ceuta 06.02.2014: Angehörige der Umgebrachten – Video · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien, Video · Tags: ,

El Diario

VÍDEO | Estas son las familias de las víctimas del Tarajal

El documental ‚Transformar el dolor en justicia‘, del colectivo Caminando Fronteras, reúne a las familias de varios de los fallecidos el 6 de febrero de 2014 en la frontera española de El Tarajal. 15 personas murieron en un intento de entrada repelido por la Guardia Civil con material antidisturbios y las familias exigen respuestas. „Mi hijo ha muerto y lo han enterrado sin que lo vea. ¿Le pusieron una sábana blanca? No lo sé. ¿Un cura ha bendecido su cuerpo? No lo sé“, dice el padre de una de las víctimas

[Teaser realizado por eldiario.es a partir del documental ‚Transformar el dolor en justicia‘, de Caminando Fronteras, que se presenta este sábado en el espacio Centro Centro de Madrid, a las 19 horas].

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05. Februar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ägypten: Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms – Verschwundene · Kategorien: Ägypten · Tags: , , ,

In Ägypten lassen Militär, Polizei und Geheimdienste kritische Personen in einem Ausmass „verschwinden“ wie in den früheren lateinamerikanischen Diktaturen Chile, Argentinien und Uruguay. Die Menschenrechtsorganisation berichtet von derzeit täglich 3 Verschwundenen und von 340 Fällen in den letzten zwei Monaten. Es wird angenommen, dass die Verschwundenen von Militär, Polizei und Geheimdiensten verschleppt, gefoltert und ermordet werden.

Quelle: Il Fatto Quotidiano

Giulio Regeni, ong: “In Egitto 340 casi di sparizione forzata negli ultimi due mesi”

Lo si legge nell’ultimo report del gruppo indipendente ECFR (Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms), pubblicato a dicembre. Mentre la questione viene affrontata ai massimi livelli istituzionali dei due Pesi, preoccupa la tendenza del governo egiziano a negare qualsiasi avvenimento che possa mettere in difficoltà la credibilità dell’Egitto all’opinione pubblica straniera.

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05. Februar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ägypten: Kritischer italienischer Student gefoltert und ermordet · Kategorien: Ägypten · Tags: ,

Giulio Regeni, italienischer Cambridge-Student in Ägypten, wurde am 5. Jahrestag der Revolution in Kairo entführt, gefoltert und jetzt tot an einer Straße aufgefunden. Die Folterspuren – u.a. Verbrennungen durch Zigaretten – weisen auf Polizei, parapolizeiliche Todesschwadron oder Geheimdienst als Mörder hin. Giulio Regeni forschte zu Sozial- und Arbeiterbewegungen in Ägypten und schrieb unter Pseudonym für die italienische Tageszeitung Il Manifesto. Hier sein letzter Artikel zu einer Versammlung unabhängiger GewerkschafterInnen aus Il Manifesto (auf englisch) und Berichte zu ihm.

In Egypt, second life for independent trade unions

The last report. Union members in a crowded assembly hall lashed out against the Egyptian regime’s latest efforts to suppress workers.

Editors’ note: We publish posthumously this article by Giulio Regeni, an il manifesto contributor who was based in Cairo while researching his doctoral thesis. On Wednesday, his tortured body was discovered in a ditch in the city. Because independent trade unions are a contentious topic in Egypt, Regeni asked us to publish this article under a pseudonym, as we have done in the past. Today, we publish this last dispatch under the author’s real name.

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi presides over Egyptian Parliament with the highest number of police and military personnel in the history of the country, and Egypt ranks among the worst offenders with respect to press freedom. Yet independent trade unions are refusing to give up. The Center for Trade Union and Workers’ Services (CTUWS), a beacon of independent Egyptian trade unionism, has just held a vibrant meeting.

Although the largest room at the center has 100 seats, the meeting hall could not contain the number of activists who came from all over Egypt for an assembly that was extraordinary in the current context of the country. On the agenda was a recommendation from Sisi’s ministers for close cooperation between the government and the country’s only official union, the Egyptian Trade Union Federation, with the explicit order to counter the role of independent trade unions and to further marginalize workers.

Although today the CTUWS is not representative of the complex galaxy of Egypt’s independent trade unionism, its summons was heard, perhaps unexpectedly, by a significant number of unions. By the end of the meeting, there were about 50 acronyms that signed on to the closing statement, representing various sectors from all over the country — from transportation to schools, from agriculture to the large informal sector, from Sinai to Upper Egypt, from the Delta to Alexandria to Cairo.

Movement in crisis

The government’s policy represents a further attack on workers’ rights and trade union freedoms, greatly restricted after the military coup of July 3, 2013, and so has been the catalyst of widespread discontent among workers. But until now, the unions have found it difficult to turn their frustration into concrete initiatives.

After the 2011 revolution, Egypt experienced a surprising expansion of political freedom. It saw the emergence of hundreds of new trade unions, a true movement, of which the CTUWS was among the main protagonists, through its support and training activities.

But over the past two years, repression and co-optation by the Sisi regime have seriously weakened these initiatives, so that the two major federations (the Egyptian Democratic Labor Congress and Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions) have not convened a general assembly since 2013.

Virtually every union acts only on its own, within its locale and industry. The need to unite and coordinate efforts, however, is deeply felt. That accounts for the great participation in the CTUWS meeting, as well as the many attendees who lamented the fragmentation of the movement and called for the need to work together, regardless of affiliation.

Comments from attendees came in by the dozen, concise, often passionate, and with a very pragmatic approach: The purpose was to decide together “what to do by tomorrow morning,” an appeal repeated like a mantra during the meeting, given the urgency of the moment and the need to draw up a short- and medium-term action plan.

Notable was the presence of a large number of women, whose actions were sometimes among the most appreciated and applauded by the predominantly male audience. The assembly concluded with a decision to form a committee, as representative as possible, to take charge of laying the groundwork for a national campaign on issues of labor and trade union freedom.

Regional conferences

The idea is to organize a series of regional conferences that, every few months, would convene in a large national assembly and possibly a unified protest. (“In Tahrir!” offered some of those present, invoking the square which was the scene of the revolutionary period of 2011-2013 but for more than two years has been off limits to any form of protest).

The agenda seems very broad but includes an underlying objective to counter Law 18 of 2015, which has recently targeted public sector workers and has been strongly contested in the past few months.

Meanwhile, in recent days, in different regions of the country, from Asyut to Suez to the Delta, board workers in the textile, cement and construction industries, went on strike for as long as they could. Mostly their demands concern the extension of wage rights and indemnities to public companies.

New wave of strikes

These are benefits that workers have ceased to enjoy following the massive wave of privatizations during the last period of the Mubarak era. Many of these privatizations after the 2011 revolution have been brought before the courts, which have often nullified them, noting several cases of irregularities and corruption.

Strikes against the revocation of benefits are mostly unrelated to each other, and largely disconnected from the independent trade unions that met in Cairo. But still they represent a significant development, for at least two reasons: For one, albeit in a manner not entirely explicit, they challenge the heart of the neoliberal transformation of the country, which has undergone a major acceleration since 2004, and which the 2011 popular uprisings and their slogan, “Bread, Freedom, Social Justice,” have substantially dented.

The other aspect is that in an authoritarian and repressive context under General Sisi, the simple fact that there are popular and spontaneous initiatives that break the wall of fear is itself a major spur for change.

The unions’ defiance of the state of emergency and the regime’s appeals for stability and social order — justified by the “war on terrorism” — signifies, even if indirectly, a bold questioning of the underlying rhetoric the regime uses to justify its own existence and its repression of civil society.

–> Originally published in Italian at il manifesto on Feb. 5, 2016

Quelle: Il Manifesto

Tutta la verità

Tommaso Di Francesco

Temeva per la sua incolumità. Questa è la verità che per noi emerge e che vogliamo proporre e testimoniare sulla morte violenta al Cairo di Giulio Regeni, di fronte alle troppe reticenze ufficiose e ufficiali e alle gravi contraddizioni delle prime indagini tra la procura egiziana che conferma torture indicibili e il ministero degli interni del Cairo che le smentisce. E di fronte ad un governo italiano che ora chiede «verità», ma che si ritrova almeno contraddetto dal viaggio d’affari di una delegazione confindustriale guidata dalla ministra Guidi che al Cairo tesseva tranquilli rapporti economici con un regime militare responsabile di un colpo di stato definito dallo scrittore Orhan Pamuk «eguale a quello di Pinochet».

Affermiamo questo perché all’inizio di gennaio, dopo aver ricevuto un suo articolo – che riproponiamo oggi ine edicola con la sua firma convinti di adempiere proprio alle sue volontà – sulla ripresa d’iniziativa dei sindacati egiziani, insisteva con noi e a più riprese sulla necessità di firmarlo solo con uno pseudonimo. Capivamo che era molto preoccupato da questa insistenza ripetuta più volte nelle sue mail, tantopiù che già altri suoi articoli erano usciti con pseudonimi ogni volta diversi.

Non siamo abituati come manifesto alle speculazioni sulla vita altrui o ai retroscena complottardi, tantomeno ad abusare stile «asso nella manica» delle persone.

Siamo solo un giornale di frontiera che ha subìto attentati, sequestri come quello di Giuliana Sgrena, uccisioni come per Vittorio Arrigoni.

Ma in queste ore si rincorrono interpretazioni a dir poco incredibili, ufficiali e di alcuni giornali che, accreditando perfino la versione dei servizi segreti egiziani che naturalmente negano ogni responsabilità su un suo possibile fermo o arresto, rivolgendo l’attenzione allora sul fatto criminale puro e semplice, se non addirittura alla tesi dell’incidente automobilistico.

Alcune puntualizzazioni dunque sono necessarie: Giulio Regeni (oltre che essere in contatto con questo giornale e con il nostro lavoro d’informazione sul Medio Oriente come tanti collaboratori), è scomparso non in un giorno di «Vacanze sul Nilo» ma il 25 gennaio, quinto anniversario della rivolta contro Mubarak di piazza Tahrir 2011, in un intenso clima di mobilitazione giovanile, sociale e politico non solo di memoria ma inevitabilmente contro l’attuale regime militare del golpista Al Sisi; mobilitazione contro la quale si è scatenata, come negli anni precedenti, la repressione e le retate della polizia, stavolta con centinaia di arresti preventivi.

Giulio Regeni non era né un violento né un nemico dell’Egitto, al contrario amava quel Paese ed era esperto di lotte sociali, in particolare del sindacato egiziano e, dottorando a Cambridge, di crisi dei modelli economici del Medio Oriente. È deceduto, a quanto sappiamo finora, secondo la procura egiziana dopo violenze inaudite.

Difficile davvero immaginare la malavita cairota accanirsi senza motivo e senza tornaconto su uno straniero qualsiasi; altrettanto incredibile – ma vedrete che arriveremo anche a questo espediente – far passare questa morte come un crimine dell’Isis che, com’è ormai risaputo, ha ben altre modalità teatrali di esecuzione.

Sia chiaro. Noi non sappiamo chi siano davvero stati i suoi assassini e perché abbiano commesso questo crimine. Possiamo solo sospettare e testimoniare.

Ma chiediamo verità, tutta la verità al governo egiziano, al ministro degli esteri Paolo Gentiloni e al presidente del Consiglio Matteo Renzi.

Lo dobbiamo di fronte al dolore dei genitori e alla giovane vita così martoriata di Giulio Regeni.

02. Februar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Griechische Polizei stürmt Haus von internationalen Refugee-Unterstützer_innen · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags: , ,

Quelle: linksunten.indymedia

Druck der Europäischen Union auf Griechenland, schärfere Maßnahmen in Fluchtpolitik zu ergreifen, wird direkt umgesetzt

Heute Morgen, am 1. Februar 2016, hat die griechische Polizei mit teilweise schwer bewaffneten Sondereinheiten die Unterkunft von internationalen Refugee-Unterstützer_innen in der Nähe der griechisch-mazedonischen Grenze gestürmt. Das komplette Haus sowie alle umstehenden Busse wurden mit Hunden durchsucht; alle anwesenden Personen mussten sich Leibesvisitationen unterziehen. Der angebliche Grund für die Razzia sei die Suche nach Drogen. Gefunden wurde nichts außer ein paar Taschenmessern. „Es ist einfach absurd“, so eine der Unterstützer_innen „Wir kochen Suppe! Es scheint als ob die Kriminalisierung von Helfer_innen nun von den Inseln auch zu uns hinüber schwappt.“

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07. Januar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Türkei beschlagnahmt Billigschwimmwesten“ · Kategorien: Türkei · Tags: ,

Quelle: DW

In Izmir ging die Polizei gegen Geschäftemacher vor, die aus der Flüchtlingskrise Profit schlagen wollen. Auch bei Ertrunkenen in der Ägäis waren nicht funktionstüchtige Westen und marode Schlauchboote gefunden worden.

Bei einer Razzia in der Stadt Izmir im Westen der Türkei stellte die Polizei mehr als 1200 billig gemachte Schwimmwesten sicher, die für Flüchtlinge bei ihrer Odyssee über das Agäische Meer nach Griechenland bestimmt waren. Der von der Polizei durchsuchte Betrieb habe die Rettungswesten illegal hergestellt, wie örtliche Medien meldeten.

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06. Januar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Croatia: Slavonski Brod Transit Camp for Migrants and Refugees · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Kroatien · Tags: , ,

To all whom it might concern

It has come to our attention that there is systematic violence and unlawful process carried out by Croatian police officers at the Slavonski Brod Transit Camp for Migrants and Refugees. We have collected witness statements by refugees labelled as ’non-SIA‘ (i.e. their country of origin is neither Syria, Iraq nor Afghanistan) describing these acts of violence, in humane treatment and human right violations (non-refoulement). A consistent racial profiling has caused brutal responses by Croatian police staff.

This method of segregation begins when migrants are forced to line up in a one-by-one queue as the official translators as well as police forces are arbitrarily picking out random individuals and consequently interrogating them about their country of origin. For example, one victim of Croatian police brutality who we met, revealed that a policeman, instead of a translator, picked him out of the crowd as a ’non-SIA‘. This man and several others were then taken into an ICRC (Red Cross) container and locked in there by the police for several hours.

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16. Dezember 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Flüchtlinge auf der Balkanroute: Misshandelt in Bulgarien“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Bulgarien · Tags: , ,

Quelle: taz

Prügel, Fußtritte, Schüsse: Menschenrechtler aus Belgrad erheben schwere Vorwürfe gegen die bulgarischen Behörden.

von Ralf Leonhard

SOFIA taz | „Nach Bulgarien kommt man schwer hinein – und genauso schwer wieder raus“, sagt der junge Mann, der Rash genannt werden will. Man werde mit Prügeln empfangen und mit Prügeln verabschiedet.

Rash tritt als Sprecher einer Gruppe von Afghanen auf, weil er am besten Englisch kann. Sein amerikanischer Akzent verrät, dass er für die US-Truppen tätig war. Grund genug für die Taliban, den Mann aus der ostafghanischen Provinz Laghman zu verfolgen. „Wenn du für die Koalition gearbeitet hast, bist du für sie ein Ungläubiger – und damit ein toter Mann“, sagt Rash.

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15. Dezember 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „So würde Deutschland seine Grenze dichtmachen“ · Kategorien: Deutschland · Tags: , ,

Quelle: Die Welt

Was passiert, wenn die Zahl der Flüchtlinge hoch bleibt? Die Bundespolizei hat Pläne vorgestellt, wie Asylsuchende an der Grenze zurückgewiesen werden könnten. Auch von Wasserwerfern ist die Rede.

Angesichts der hohen Flüchtlingszahlen hat die Bundespolizei einen konkreten Plan ausgearbeitet, wie Deutschland seine Grenzen schließen kann. Wie die „Welt“ erfuhr, hat Bundespolizei-Präsident Dieter Romann entsprechende Details den Fraktionen von Union und SPD im Bundestag in den vergangenen Wochen bereits vorgestellt.

Teilnehmer berichten übereinstimmend, dass ein solcher Plan das Zurückweisen von Flüchtlingen an der Grenze nach Österreich vorsieht. Lediglich sehr kleinen Kontingenten von Asylsuchenden würde die Einreise in die Bundesrepublik dann noch gewährt werden.

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15. Dezember 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „So lernen Polizisten, wie man Asylbewerber abschiebt“ · Kategorien: Deutschland · Tags: ,

Quelle: Die Welt

Deutschland weist abgelehnte Asylbewerber wieder rigoroser aus. Bundespolizisten müssen die betroffenen Personen im Flugzeug in ihre Heimat begleiten – eine emotionale Grenzerfahrung.

Der Mann im dunkelblauen Anzug liegt bäuchlings auf dem Mattenboden, Handschellen umschließen seine Handgelenke, er japst: „Ich fliege nicht, ich will nicht, lasst mich.“ Über ihm kauern drei Bundespolizisten und fingern an einem Gurt herum, der um die Hüfte des Mannes geschlungen ist. Für die Männer ist der Gurt Ausweg und letzte Eskalationsstufe zugleich, ein Instrument für die schwierigsten Fälle.

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