20. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Migranten sind für viele Libyer ein Geschäftsmodell“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Libyen · Tags: , ,

Zeit Online | 19.04.2017

Gefoltert und versklavt: Migranten erleben in Libyen Unmenschliches. Es gibt keine Regeln, die Schleppern Einhalt gebieten, sagt Migrationsexperte Leonard Doyle.

Interview: Andrea Backhaus

ZEIT ONLINE: Herr Doyle, am Wochenende wurden vor der Küste Libyens erneut Tausende Flüchtlinge aus dem Mittelmeer gerettet. Retter berichteten von Schusswunden und Folterspuren bei den Geflüchteten. Was widerfährt den Migranten in Libyen?

Leonard Doyle: Die Menschen geraten in Libyen in ein System von Ausbeutung und Gewalt. Wir wissen von Sklavenmärkten in Libyen, auf denen Migranten und Flüchtlinge als Arbeitskräfte verkauft werden. Frauen werden als Sexsklavinnen angeboten. Für die Männer kommt zu der Ausbeutung als Arbeitskraft hinzu, dass sie extrem schlecht behandelt werden. Viele werden von ihren Hausherren geschlagen und gefoltert.

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12. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „IOM Learns of ‘Slave Market’ Conditions Endangering Migrants in North Africa“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Libyen · Tags: , ,

Libya Herald | 11.04.2017

Over the past weekend, IOM staff in Niger and Libya documented shocking events on North African migrant routes, which they have described as ‘slave markets’ tormenting hundreds of young African men bound for Libya.

Operations Officers with IOM’s office in Niger, reported on the rescue of a Senegalese migrant (referred to as SC to protect his identity) who this week was returning to his home after being held captive for months.

According to SC’s testimony, while trying to travel north through the Sahara, he arrived in Agadez, Niger, where he was told he would have to pay CFA200,000 (about $320) to continue north, towards Libya. A trafficker provided him with accommodation until the day of his departure, which was to be by pick-up truck.

The journey – over two days of travelling – through the desert was relatively smooth for this group. IOM has often heard from other migrants on this route who report seeing the remains of others abandoned by their drivers – and of trucks ransacked by bandits who siphon away their fuel.

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11. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Migrants from west Africa being ‘sold in Libyan slave markets’“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Libyen · Tags: , ,

The Guardian | 10.04.2017

UN migration agency says selling of people is rife in African nation that has slid into violent chaos since overthrow of Gaddafi

Emma Graham-Harrison

West African migrants are being bought and sold openly in modern-day slave markets in Libya, survivors have told a UN agency helping them return home.

Trafficked people passing through Libya have previously reported violence, extortion and slave labour. But the new testimony from the International Organization for Migration suggests that the trade in human beings has become so normalised that people are being traded in public.

“The latest reports of ‘slave markets’ for migrants can be added to a long list of outrages [in Libya],” said Mohammed Abdiker, IOM’s head of operation and emergencies. “The situation is dire. The more IOM engages inside Libya, the more we learn that it is a vale of tears for all too many migrants.”

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18. März 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Over 10,000 refugees relocated, IOM says“ · Kategorien: Europa, Griechenland · Tags: , ,

Ekathimerini | 17.03.2017

More than 10,000 asylum seekers from Syria, Iraq and Eritrea have been relocated from Greece to other European Union states since the launch of the bloc’s relocation program in 2015, according to the International Organization for Migration, which is implementing the scheme.

Since the beginning of March, 367 people have left Greece for Belgium, Estonia, Germany, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain, bringing the total number of people relocated from Greece to 10,004, IOM said on Friday. Over the same period, another 475 people were relocated from Italy.

The total number of people relocated from Greece and Italy since the program was launched in October 2015 now stands at 14,439, the organization said.

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15. März 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „IOM: 525 refugees die at sea in first few weeks of 2017“ · Kategorien: Mittelmeer · Tags: , , ,

Al Jazeera | 14.03.2017

Number of drowned in Mediterranean from January to early March higher than last year, raising alarm among rights groups.

Anealla Safdar

More refugees have died in the Mediterranean over the first nine weeks of this year compared with the same period in 2016, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

From January 1 to March 9, at least 521 people drowned while attempting to cross the treacherous sea compared with 471 in the same period a year ago. At least another four refugees died on Friday, bringing the 2017 death toll to 525 people, according to IOM.

The figures raised alarm on Tuesday among human rights organisations, which have repeatedly called for safer passages.

The rising deaths came as the number of people making the dangerous crossing from Libya more than doubled, with 13,439 arriving in Italy compared with 5,273 a year earlier.

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28. Februar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Zahl toter Flüchtlinge im Mittelmeer verdreifacht“ · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Mittelmeerroute · Tags: , ,

Migazin | 27.02.2017

Immer mehr Flüchtlinge sterben im zentralen Mittelmeer. Seit Anfang Januar sind 326 Menschen auf der zentralen Mittelmeerroute ums Leben gekommen. Im Jahr zuvor wurden im selben Vergleichszeitraum 97 Tote gezählt.

Immer mehr Flüchtlinge sterben laut der Internationalen Organisation für Migration (IOM) auf der gefährlichen Überfahrt von Libyen nach Italien. Von Anfang Januar bis Mittwoch vergangener Woche seien 326 Menschen auf der sogenannten zentralen Mittelmeerroute ertrunken oder an Bord der Schleuserboote ums Leben gekommen, teilte die IOM am Freitag in Genf mit. Rund 10.700 Menschen hätten Italien lebend erreicht.

Im selben Zeitraum des Vorjahres seien 97 Flüchtlinge und Migranten auf der zentralen Mittelmeerroute gestorben, hieß es. Rund 8.100 Menschen, die in Libyen an Bord gegangen seien, hätten seinerzeit die Küsten Italiens erreicht.

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18. Februar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „IOM flies Nigerian and Senegalese migrants back home“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Libyen · Tags: ,

Libya Herald | 17.02.2017

In the last three days, 334 Nigerian and Senegalese migrants have been returned home from Tripoli by charter flights organised by the International Organisation for Migration.

The charter flights from Mitiga airport were coordinated with the Libyan authorities, the Directorate for Combating Irregular Migration (DCIM) and Nigerian and Senegalese embassies.

Most of the returnees – they included nine unaccompanied children – spoke of economic hardships in their home countries but also the difficulties they faced in Libya.

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17. Februar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Niger erschwert Transit für Migranten Richtung Europa“ · Kategorien: Afrika · Tags:

Migazin | 17.02,2017

Niger hat den Transit für Flüchtlinge, die nach Europa wollen, erschwert. Die Internationale Organisation für Migration beklagt, die Menschen würden ohne Wasser, Lebensmittel oder Schatten in der Wüste zurückgelassen.

Das westafrikanische Niger hat den Transit für Flüchtlinge und Migranten erschwert, die illegal über Libyen oder Algerien nach Europa wollen. Die Zahl der Reisenden Richtung Norden gehe unter den schärferen Verkehrs- und Transportkontrollen seit Mai definitiv zurück, erklärte das Büro der Internationalen Organisation für Migration (IOM) in der nigrischen Hauptstadt Niamey dem Evangelischen Pressedienst.

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13. Februar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Oim Libia: sostenere le autorità locali per tutelare i migranti“ · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags:

aska news | 13.02.2017

Responsabile media: ci sono 4.000-6.000 migranti oggi nei centri di detenzione

Roma, 13 feb. (askanews) – Occorre „collaborare e sostenere le autorità libiche“ per migliorare le condizioni dei migranti presenti nel Paese del Nord Africa, garantendo al contempo anche maggiori opportunità sia di migrazione legale che di rimpatrio umanitario, per ridurre così il ricorso ai trafficanti e il rischio di perdite di vite umane durante la traversata del Mediterraneo. E‘ quanto ha detto ad askanews la responsabile media dell’ufficio in Libia dell’Organizzazione internazionale per le migrazioni (Oim), Christine Petre, precisando che si stima siano 4.000-6.000 i migranti presenti attualmente nei centri di detenzione libici.

Dall’inizio dell’anno fino all’8 febbraio scorso 9.355 migranti sono giunti dalla Libia sulle coste italiane e 228 persone morte durante la traversata, contro i 6.030 arrivi e i 90 decessi registrati nello stesso periodo del 2016. Per fronteggiare tale situazione e contrastare il traffico di esseri umani, il 2 febbraio scorso il governo italiano ha firmato un accordo con l’esecutivo di unità nazionale libico guidato da Fayez al Sarraj, che ha ottenuto il pieno sostegno dell’Unione europea.

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12. Februar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Libyan authorities oppose EU migrant plans“ · Kategorien: Europa, Libyen · Tags: , , ,

EUObserver | 09.02.2017

By Nikolaj Nielsen

Local authorities in Libya’s capital city Tripoli and elsewhere are mounting resistance to EU plans to stem migration flows towards Italy.

The move is likely to further complicate efforts after the EU’s foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini announced a €200 million plan to finance migration projects geared towards Libya throughout much of north Africa.

A large bulk of the money is likely to be shuffled into border control and surveillance in the hope of containing people likely to attempt the perilous Mediterranean Sea crossing in the upcoming months.

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