17. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „EuGH-Urteil: Deutschland muss Abschiebehaft reformieren“ – FAZ · Kategorien: Deutschland · Tags:


„EuGH-Urteil Deutschland muss Abschiebehaft reformieren

Abschiebehäftlinge dürfen nicht in normalen Gefängnissen festgehalten werden, so lange sie auf ihre Rückführung oder die Überstellung in ein anderes EU-Land warten. Das entschied der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH). Er zeigte auch Lösungen auf.
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06. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ungarn, Debrecen: „Protest against detention“ – Bericht · Kategorien: Balkanroute · Tags: ,

Protest against detention and its significance in the struggle against European border- and deportation regime

For several years, Hungarian asylum system has been unfamous for its practices of detaining refugees in closed prison camps or, on the other hand, throwing people on the street, without any place to stay.
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30. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Report Deportation and Detention Business · Kategorien: Deutschland, Hintergrund, Lesetipps · Tags: ,

A big report on direct action campaigns against companies profiting from migrants detention and deportation has been realized. It includes a collection of direct actions and campaigns in different countries, reflections and figures from different sources showing the negative economic impact of being a target of such campaigns.

The report is targeted at companies customers, shareholders and employees. The aim is to spread the information in the business circle about companies victims of actions, to affect the reputation of them, to highlight the often minimized economic impacts of such campaigns, to open the internal discussion about the issue.

Targeted companies often try to keep this information hidden and to avoid any public (and internal) communication on it. They know that this can have emulation effect, and especially they know that the direct impact of these campaigns is often much smaller than the indirect one (like image damages, impaired credibility for customer, internal discussions, changes in the operative procedure).

The report is also meant to be spread in the business sector which are often involved in border system (construction, security, airlines..)

The report was already sent by mail to a large number of targeted companies‘ employees, shareholders and customers, and published to some investors forum.

Feel free to spread it much more, to print it, to send it to companies and stakeholders, to edit it and make new versions…

Here is the external link: https://reportdetentionsector.wordpress.com/

23. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: Folter in EU-finanzierten Lagern – hrw · Kategorien: Europa, Libyen · Tags: , ,


Libya: Whipped, Beaten, and Hung from Trees

Detained Migrants, Asylum Seekers Describe Torture, Other Abuse in Detention

Detainees have described to us how male guards strip-searched women and girls and brutally attacked men and boys. The political situation in Libya may be tough, but the government has no excuse for torture and other deplorable violence by guards in these detention centers.

Gerry Simpson
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20. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Dublin III, Schweiz verkürzt Abschiebehaft · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags: ,

La Suisse doit limiter la durée de la détention des requérants d’asile en attente d’un renvoi vers un autre Etat en raison de l’accord de Dublin.

Le National est entré en matière jeudi sur un projet de reprise des nouveaux règlements européens de Dublin III et de la banque de données Eurodac. L’examen de détail se fera toutefois lors de la session d’automne. Comme convenu à l’avance, la ministre de la justice Simonetta Sommaruga a en effet dû s’en aller durant les délibérations. Le plénum aurait alors pu poursuivre sans elle, mais Christoph Mörgeli (UDC/ZH) a saisi la possibilité de s’y opposer.
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17. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: 50.000 Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen 2014 abgeschoben · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: , ,

Illegal Immigration Department says it needs more money to combat swelling human tide

By Jamal Adel

The Illegal Immigration Department says it has deported as many as 50,000 illegal immigrants this year, but lack of funding has prevented them from doing their job well.

“There are 22 detention centres across the country, though I wouldn’t say they are worthy to be called ‘centres’. In reality, they are merely buildings used to contain the illegal immigrants after they’ve been captured,” spokesperson for the Illegal Immigration Department Saeed Ashour told the Libya Herald.
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16. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Griechenland: „Flüchtlinge und Migranten – interniert, entrechtet, vergessen“ – nzz · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags: , ,


„Flüchtlinge und Migranten in Griechenland

Interniert, entrechtet, vergessen

Elena Panagiotidis, Fylakio

In Griechenland werden illegal eingereiste Flüchtlinge und Migranten, die ohne gültige Papiere aufgegriffen werden, oft monatelang eingesperrt. Ihre Rechte werden missachtet. Betroffen sind auch Minderjährige.
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13. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Close the camps – Mapping of migrant camps (migreurop) · Kategorien: Deutschland, Hintergrund, Mittelmeerroute · Tags:

Mapping of migrant camps

A dynamic and interactive mapping of migrant detention in Europe and beyond. This site aims to:

  • Record the sites, forms and conditions of migrant detention and their serious human consequences
  • Enable access to information concerning migrant detention sites and contact with detained persons
  • Mobilise all those who oppose migrant detention and removal measures to protect migrants human rights

via Close the camps > English – Mapping of migrant camps.

13. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Solidarität mit Hungerstreikenden in Abschiebeknast Korinth · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags: ,

Solidarity with the hunger strikers in the detention camp of Corinth.
Close all detention camps!

During the last 3 years greece is not just the border guard of europe. It became a graveyard and prison for migrants. The system of detention expanded radically from 2012, when thousands of migrants arrested after a huge police pogrom, having the cynical name Operation “Xenios Zeus”, the ancient greek god of hospitality. New container camps were built and old military camps transformed to detention camps. Parallel to this, the legal framework changed rapidly: the maximum period of detention for migrants without papers increased form 3 to 18 months. From now on, according to the recent recommendation of the Legal Council of the State, detention of illegalized migrants can be unlimited.

During the last 3 years, the dominant policies do not just use the migrants as scapegoats. Racism and exclusion of rights are in the center of the crisis management and the policies of fear. Prisons expanded not only to detain migrants: not by incidence drug addicts were also temporary brought to the same detention camps. From now on the subject of repression and fear expanded from the migrants to other social groups and especially to anyone who resists the authoritarian crisis regime.

Since June 9th hundreds of migrants in the detention camp of Corinth started a hunger strike for their freedom.

On Sunday 15th of June the Open Initiative against Detention Centers, antiracist and antifascist initiatives from Corinth, will demonstrate in solidarity with the hunger strikers and for the closure of all the detention camps.

04. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Bulgarien: Push-backs und Abschiebehaft – Bericht (hrw) · Kategorien: Bulgarien, Türkei · Tags: ,


Containment Plan

Bulgaria’s Pushbacks and Detention of Syrian and Other Asylum Seekers and Migrants

This 76-page report documents how in recent months Bulgarian border police, often using excessive force, have summarily returned people who appear to be asylum seekers to Turkey. The people have been forced back across the border without proper procedures and with no opportunity to lodge asylum claims. Bulgaria should end summary expulsions at the Turkish border, stop the excessive use of force by border guards, and improve the treatment of detainees and conditions of detention in police stations and migrant detention centers.

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