12. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „French police accused of falsifying migrant children’s birth dates“ · Kategorien: Frankreich, Italien, Schengen Migration · Tags: ,

The Guardian | 12.04.2018

Charities accuse border officials of trying to pass minors off as adults to return them to Italy

Seven Italian charities have accused French border police of falsifying the birth dates of migrant children travelling alone in an attempt to pass them off as adults and send them back to Italy.

In an appeal to the European commission and Italy’s interior ministry, the charities highlighted evidence of two cases in which birth dates appeared to have been modified on “refusal of entry” documents.

One of the alleged incidents happened in March when charity staff were monitoring the situation around the Italian border town of Ventimiglia.

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10. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Migranti, occupata la stazione di Briancon: “Qui perché senza alternative”. Attivisti: “Stato si prenda le sue responsabilità” · Kategorien: Frankreich, Italien, Schengen Migration, Video · Tags:

Seit zwei Nächten übernachten mehr als 100 Migrant*innen im Bahnhof von Biancon an der französisch-italienischen Grenze. Aktivisten der Gruppe Tous migrant haben ihn besetzt.

Il Fatto Quotidiano | 10.04.2018

Da due notti, oltre 100 migranti dormono nella stazione ferroviaria del comune francese di Briancon, al confine con l’Italia, occupata da un gruppo di attivisti del gruppo Tous migrant.  “Questa è l’unica risposta possibile al grosso afflusso di migranti in arrivo” scrivono i volontari sulla loro pagina Facebook. “Servono materassi, coperte e cibo – è l’appello – Tra il rifugio solidale, la parrocchia e la stazione ci sono oltre 150 persone che hanno bisogno di un posto dove dormire”. Gli occupanti arrivano dal Mali, dalla Costa d’Avorio e dal Gambia e hanno marciato per oltre venti chilometri in mezzo alla neve per passare il confine italo-francese. “Non avevamo altra scelta, dovevamo aiutarli -spiega Elie, uno studente francese – e così abbiamo aperto la stazione”. Alcuni di loro hanno vissuto in Italia. Come Koulibaly, originario del Mali che ha lavorato nelle campagne del sud: “Ho raccolto pomodori a Foggia e arance a Rosarno, sempre senza contratto, ma adesso voglio andare in Francia”. Accanto a lui si riposa Mohammad, anche lui maliano. Vuole andare a Parigi perché c’è più tolleranza: “L’Italia ci ha accolto, ma non è ancora pronta per i migranti: quando camminavo, la gente cambiava percorso perché aveva paura di me”.

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07. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Appeal: Criminalisation of Solidarity, Right To Escape, Solidarity Cities · Kategorien: Europa, Frankreich, Italien, Schengen Migration, Türkei · Tags: ,

EuroNomade | 05.04.2018

Crimes of solidarity: such an expression appears as a contradiction in terms, a real oxymoron. Nevertheless, it conveys very well the meaning at the heart of a two-fold conflict, which sees, on the one hand, the criminalisation of European citizens who are mobilising in support of migrants in transit and, on the other, the strengthening of solidarity practices and networks in border areas and in many urban centres.

While we are witnessing asylum seekers being preventatively illegalised in Europe and containment policies multiplying on the Southern and Eastern shores of the Mediterranean, the autonomous infrastructures created to support migrants in transit are not only capable of giving rise to a logistics of resistance against the security policies of border controls, but are also able to produce more or less temporary or permanent fractures in the militarised space of “Fortress Europe”.

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05. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Migranti, polizia francese trascina fuori da un treno una donna incinta proveniente da Ventimiglia“ · Kategorien: Frankreich, Italien, Video · Tags:

Video: Französische Polizei zerrt eine schwangere Migrantin aus einem Zug, der aus Ventimiglia kam. Die Frau reiste mit ihrer Familie und musste in Mentone aussteigen.

Il Fatto Quotidiano | 05.04.2018

Un video, pubblicato nei giorni scorsi da tre studenti francesi, mostra una squadra della polizia francese che trascina fuori da un treno una migrante incinta, prendendola per braccia e gambe dopo un controllo tra grida e proteste. La donna, scrive il giornale Nice Matin, viaggiava con la sua famiglia su un convoglio proveniente da Ventimiglia ed è stata costretta a scendere a Mentone.

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05. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „France urged by UN experts to take effective measures to bring water and sanitation services to migrants“ · Kategorien: Frankreich · Tags: , ,

OHCHR | 04.04.2018

UN human rights experts* are urging the Government of France to do more to provide safe drinking water, sanitation services and emergency shelter for migrants and asylum-seekers in Calais, Grande-Synthe, Tatinghem, Dieppe and other areas along the northern French coast.

It is estimated that up to 900 migrants and asylum-seekers in Calais, 350 in Grande-Synthe, and an unidentified number at other sites elsewhere along the northern French coast are living without adequate emergency shelter and proper access to drinking water, toilets or washing facilities.

“Migrants and asylum-seekers along the northern French coast, including those not admitted to the sports centre in Grande-Synthe, are facing an inhumane situation, with some living in tents without toilets and washing themselves in polluted rivers or lakes,” said Léo Heller, the Special Rapporteur on the human rights to water and sanitation.

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05. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Crossed boundaries? Migrants and police on the French-Italian border“ · Kategorien: Frankreich, Italien, Schengen Migration · Tags:

openDemocracy | 03.04.2018

An eyewitness account and analysis of what it means for French customs officials to force a Nigerian man to urinate in Italy.

Martina Tazzioli

BARDONECCHIA, ITALY – The strengthening of migration controls at the internal frontiers of Europe is not a smooth affair. Far from only trying to gain control over migrant crossings, EU member states are reshaping border policies to project sovereign power and support state prerogatives, such as anti-terrorism. This work has included the implementation of bilateral agreements between national police forces, as well as measures aimed at intimidating solidarity networks that support migrants. The forced entry into a room of the Bardonecchia railway station, located a few kilometres inside Italy, and the diplomatic row that followed glaringly shows the political stakes that are behind inter-state border cooperation.

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03. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für La Francia insiste: „A Bardonecchia non c’è stata violazione della sovranità italiana“ · Kategorien: Frankreich, Italien, Schengen Migration · Tags:

The mayor and the prefect are giving support to the activists at the train station of Bardonecchia.

La Repubblica | 02.04.2018

Il prefetto Torino Saccone in Valsusa per ringraziare i volontari della Ong: „Fate un ottimo lavoro“


La Francia non cambia atteggiamento sulla vicenda di Bardonecchia: „Non c’è stata nessuna violazione della sovranità italiana, solo un stretta applicazione dell’accordo del 1990 che consente di effettuare da una parte e dell’altra delle frontiera dei controlli“: lo ha ribadito  il gabinetto del ministro dell’Azione e dei Conti pubblici, Gerald Darmanin. Un parere che era già stato espresso sabato ma che non aveva soddisfatto la Farnesina che ha deciso di sospendere la possibilità per gli agenti francesi di intervenire sul suolo italiano. In settimana, si è appreso, il direttore generale delle Dogane francesi, Rodolphe Gintz, sarà in Italia per incontrare il suo omologo italiano e „ripristinare l’accordo, ora sospeso“.

Secondo il gabinetto del ministro Darmanin, anche lui atteso a Roma (la data non è stata ancora stabilita), gli „sconfinamenti per controlli“, previsti dall’accordo del 1990 sia da parte francese sia da parte italiana, sono „frequenti“. Ne avvengono „in media uno o due al mese, compresi quelli nei locali in questione“, cioè la stazione di Bardonecchia. Inoltre, precisano le fonti, „in questo caso non si trattava di un controllo migratorio ma di una ricerca di stupefacenti“.

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01. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Grenzübertritt sorgt für Verstimmung zwischen Italien und Frankreich“ · Kategorien: Frankreich, Italien, Schengen Migration · Tags: ,

Spiegel Online | 31.03.2018

Zwei französische Polizisten haben die italienische Grenze übertreten und einen Mann auf Drogen testen lassen. Der Zwischenfall löste eine Diskussion um Territorialfragen aus.

Ein Zwischenfall an der italienisch-französischen Grenze sorgt für diplomatische Verstimmungen zwischen den beiden EU-Ländern. Frankreichs Botschafter sei einbestellt worden, um zu erklären, warum französische Grenzpolizisten in eine Ambulanz für Migranten auf italienischem Gebiet eingedrungen seien, hieß es am Samstag aus dem Außenministerium in Rom.

Die Einrichtung im Grenzbahnhof Bardonecchia wird von der Hilfsorganisation „Rainbow for Africa“ betrieben. Sie unterstützt damit Migranten, die sich über die Alpen auf den Weg nach Frankreich machen.

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30. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Situation for asylum seekers in Paris remains critical despite promises“ · Kategorien: Frankreich, Schengen Migration, Social Mix

ecre | 30.03.2018

Op-ed by Alice Lucas, Programme Manager for Refugee Rights Europe

Despite promises from the French President Macron to get people “off the streets, out of the woods” by the end of 2017 and the continued eviction of makeshift settlements, new research by Refugee Rights Europe reveals that the situation remains critical for refugees and displaced people* sleeping rough on the streets of Paris.

While organisations on the ground are working tirelessly to provide basic humanitarian aid to refugees and displaced people , including food and clothing, it appears that the state response continues to leave vulnerable individuals in inhumane and substandard conditions, facing freezing temperatures, inadequate shelter and a striking lack of access to information on European asylum law and immigration rules.

An alarming 86% of our respondents were living in destitution on the streets of Paris – often in tents provided by local NGOs or sleeping under bridges on damp mattresses or the floor. We were shocked by the conditions in which many people were forced to live, with little access to appropriate sanitation facilities, and relying on food distribution points by local organisations and civil society.

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29. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für La Jungle de Calais · Kategorien: Frankreich, Lesetipps, Schengen Migration · Tags:

La Jungle de Calais | 03.2018

Par Michel Agier (anthropologue, EHESS et IRD), Yasmine Bouagga (sociologue au CNRS), Maël Galisson (militant associatif), Cyrille Hanappe (architecte), Mathilde Pette (sociologue à l’université de Perpignan) et Philippe Wannesson (blogueur et militant associatif).


D’avril 2015 à octobre 2016, jusqu’à dix mille migrants ont vécu dans des conditions extrêmement précaires au sein de la « Jungle » de Calais, suscitant autant de passions, de polémiques et de peurs que de solidarités. Michel Agier, spécialiste des migrants et des réfugiés dans le monde, a réuni une équipe composée de chercheurs et d’acteurs de terrain pour fournir les clés de compréhension de l’/événement Calais/ – un objet politique, médiatique et symbolique inédit. Car toutes les indignations dont la Jungle a été l’objet, toutes les violences physiques et morales contre ses habitants et toutes les solidarités qui l’ont aidée à tenir cristallisent les questions qui traversent aujourd’hui le monde aux prises avec la mobilité : comment se définit un « nous » local, national et européen face aux « autres » et à soi-même ? Comment peut-on – ou non – réinventer l’hospitalité à partir des camps ? Quel avenir s’imagine dans ces lieux de mise à l’écart et d’exception qui finissent par ressembler à des occupations et à de nouveaux espaces politiques ?

[The english translation will be published in September. E la traduzione in italiano nel mese di aprile.]