17. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Flüchtlinge und Retter auf dem Mittelmeer: Schrecklicheres verhindert“ · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Mittelmeer · Tags: , ,

taz | 17.04.2017

Am Osterwochenende häuften sich Notrettungen von Flüchtlingen, mehr als 5.000 wurden lebend geborgen. Vermutlich gab es trotzdem mehrere Tote.

Christian Jakob

Eine bislang beispiellose Serie von Seenotfällen hat am Osterwochenende im Mittelmeer Flüchtlinge und Retter in dramatische Situationen gebracht. Insgesamt wurden mehr als 5.000 Menschen gerettet, vermutlich starben mehrere Dutzend.

Das Schiff Iuventa der deutschen Organisation Jugend Rettet nahm am Samstag 400 Schiffbrüchige an Bord. Es war daraufhin selbst manövrierunfähig und musste einen Notruf absetzen. Weitere 400 Menschen trieben derweil ohne Rettungswesten in kleinen Booten in der Nähe der Iuventa. „Wenn nicht schnellstmöglich Hilfe kommt, werden wir hier bald hunderte Tote haben“, sagte der Kapitän der Iuventa am Sonntag.

Zwar schickte die italienische Marine von der Insel Lampedusa Schiffe. Diese mussten aber schon unterwegs so viele andere Flüchtlinge an Bord nehmen, dass sie wieder umkehrten. Erst am Montagvormittag gab die Iuventa Entwarnung.

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16. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Mayday – Europe causes Maritime Drama to unfold on Easter, Iuventa urgently requests assistance · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Mittelmeer · Tags: , ,

Alarmphone | 16.04.2017

WatchTheMed Alarm Phone Press Release

Over this Easter weekend, we witnessed countless maritime emergencies unfold in the Central Mediterranean Sea. Thousands of people remain in situations of acute distress as European actors fail to support the large-scale Search and Rescue operations carried out by the NGOs.

Despite the anticipated surge in sea crossings via Libya, adequate rescue capacities remain absent – and it is only due to the courageous NGOs in the area that we have, so far, not learned about any major shipwrecks. They are, however, beyond their capacity and both the Iuventa and Sea-Eye have urgently signalled MAYDAY and requested support from the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) in Rome. The Iuventa has taken in hundreds of people and cannot navigate anymore while many migrants remain on distressed vessels near them that, at any moment, can overturn. However, nobody seems to respond to their urgent MAYDAY signals.

European actors refuse to deploy rescue capacities, they want the sea to kill and to function as a gruesome deterrent. They fail not only to assist, they viciously seek to criminalise those who struggle against mass death at sea.

We as the Alarm Phone, who were involved in two distress situations ourselves this weekend, call for an urgent deployment of Search and Rescue assets to prevent another catastrophe at sea.

  • ferriesnotfrontex
  • safepassageforall

WatchTheMed Alarm Phone

16. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Come funziona il blocco dei migranti in Africa voluto dall’Unione Europea · Kategorien: Afrika, Alarm Phone · Tags:

Nuovi Desparecidos | 14.04.2017

di Emilio Drudi

Respingimenti più rapidi e facili nei confronti dei migranti, grazie alla cancellazione di un grado di giudizio nelle “cause” sui ricorsi per le richieste di asilo negate e le espulsioni; quadruplicazione del numero dei Cie, portati da 4/5 a 18, uno per regione, per un totale di 1.800 posti; più fondi per attuare i rimpatri forzati. Con il via libera arrivato dalla Camera, dopo quello del Senato, il decreto Minniti è operativo: ci si avvia velocemente a quella moltiplicazione degli allontanamenti coatti dei cosiddetti “stranieri irregolari” annunciata quattro mesi fa, forti anche degli accordi raggiunti con una serie di Paesi disponibili a “riprenderli” in Africa, anche a prescindere dalla loro nazionalità.

E’ un ulteriore passo verso l’attuazione completa del Processo di Khartoum, l’accordo fortemente voluto dall’Italia e firmato a Roma il 28 novembre 2014 tra l’Unione Europea e dieci Governi del versante orientale dell’Africa, con l’obiettivo – rafforzato dai successivi trattati di Malta (novembre 2015), che prevedono anche i rimpatri forzati dalla Ue – di esternalizzare il più a sud possibile i confini della Fortezza Europa, dandone in gestione la sorveglianza agli Stati africani contraenti, in cambio di milioni di euro, mascherati da “contributi allo sviluppo”. Un ulteriore passo in avanti, cioè, verso la realizzazione di quella barriera dove saranno altri a fare il lavoro sporco di bloccare i profughi e i migranti al posto dell’Italia e dell’Europa, ignorandone la volontà, la libertà, i diritti, la sorte stessa che li aspetta. E senza preoccuparsi dei metodi usati per tenerli al di là di quel muro.

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24. März 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Amid Criminalization, Delayed Rescue, and Mass Dying, the Struggle for Freedom of Movement continues · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Mittelmeer · Tags:

Alarmphone | 24.03.2017

WatchTheMed Alarm Phone 2 Month Report 16th January 2017 – 19th March 2017

Over the past two months, the Alarm Phone witnessed several incidents off the coast of Libya – scenes that will presumably become even more common if the EU realizes its recently reinforced plans to shut down the sea-migration route across the Central Mediterranean Sea with the help of a future Libyan coastguard. In conjunction with the latest accusations against NGOs conducting Search and Rescue (SAR) operations in this area, this EU strategy will only prolong the suffering of people imprisoned in inhuman conditions in Libya and will make their maritime journeys ever-more dangerous.

On Friday the 24th of February, the Alarm Phone was alerted to a boat in distress in international waters north of Al-Khums/Libya, carrying more than 100 people. Although we immediately informed the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) in Rome and forwarded the boat’s position, due to a complete lack of rescue assets in the Central Mediterranean on that day, it took another 11 hours of desperately waiting and drifting until two small Italian coastguard vessels reached the travellers and conducted a SAR operation. Following the emergency call, the coastguard vessels embarked from the Italian island of Lampedusa, which was about 370 kilometres or 200 nautical miles away from the boat in distress. Merely four days before this incident, on Monday, the 20th of February, at least 87 bodies were washed ashore the Libyan city of Zawiya. The boat of the travellers had capsized after it was attacked and its engine removed within Libyan territorial waters. As an Italian journalist reported, the Libyan ‘coastguard’ unit of Zawiya is allegedly involved in both people smuggling and attacks on travellers in distress in that area.

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12. März 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Sichtung von Flüchtlingsbooten: Eine Drohne, die Leben rettet“ · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Mittelmeer · Tags: , ,

taz | 12.03.2017

Hacker vom Chaos Computer Club bauen für Sea-Watch eine Drohne. Sie soll Flüchtlingsboote sichten, aber auch Verstöße von Küstenwachen dokumentieren.

Laura Ewert

Erst geht es raus aus Berlin über die Autobahn, bald nach der Abfahrt wird es holprig, der Weg zur Werkstatt wird matschig, führt an frisch gestrichenen Datschen und einem See vorbei durch den Wald. Zuletzt geht es durch ein Tor in einem Zaun. Dahinter stehen Mercedes-Busse und Bauwagen. Aus den Ofenrohren steigt Rauch.

Benthor und Steini heißen die zwei, die den Weg zu einer Hütte weisen. Drin brennt ein schwarzer Ofen und wärmt den voll gestellten Raum. Auf dem Tisch ein Teller mit Schmalzstullen neben Kabeln, Akkus, Schraubenziehern, Think Pad, Gafferband. Was wird hier gebaut?

In der Mitte des Tischs liegt ein Flugzeugmodell aus Styropor. Flügelspannweite ein Meter. Benthor, Steini und noch ein paar andere basteln seit Monaten an einem autonomen Flugobjekt, einer Drohne. Und die soll mehr können als jene Drohnen, die man im Geschäft kaufen kann. Sie soll Leben retten. Leben von Menschen, die sich in nicht meerestauglichen Schlauchbooten dicht gedrängt über das Mittelmeer in eine bessere Welt retten wollen.

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18. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für WatchTheMed Alarm Phone 2 Month Report · Kategorien: Alarm Phone

Quelle: Alarm Phone | 18.01.2017

‚They want the Sea to Kill – We want a Bridge to Life!‘

More than 5,000 lives lost in the Mediterranean in 2016 and several Shipwrecks already in 2017 – Stop the Mass Dying at Europe’s maritime Gates!

21st November 2016 – 15th January 2017

On the 3rd of January, at 5.21am, the WatchTheMed Alarm Phone shift team received the first distress call of 2017, from a boat in the Ionian Sea (an embayment between Greece and Italy). This was the first time that we received a call from this part of the Mediterranean Sea. The 55 people on board undertook the dangerous journey to reach a safe place after having risked already the perilous sea passage from Turkey to Greece. Some of the passengers had joined the boat in Greece, escaping the appalling conditions of the Greek camps. When the travellers called us, they had already spent 30 hours at sea. We alarmed the Italian Coastguard, who eventually rescued the precarious passengers and brought them to Italy. We kept in touch with one of them – a boy, one of 12 children on board, who had travelled all the way from Turkey and who hoped to be reunited with his uncle in Germany. He told us that his uncle had undertaken the same journey as a young man, fleeing from violence in the 1990s. One week later, the boy informed us that he had reached Germany already. While this particular story seems to have found a happy end, it demonstrates how many people, including children, have to continue to risk their lives on dangerous sea journeys to reach EUrope, as safe corridors for them do not exist.

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12. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Alarmphone in Wolof – Video · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Video

Quelle: Vimeo

  • Voici la version en wolof du petit film explicatif sur l’alarmphone, à diffuser largement.
  • Here you can find the alarmphone film in wolof.
30. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „2016: The year the world stopped caring about refugees“ · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Europa, Mittelmeer

Quelle: Al Jazeera | 28.12.2016

Refugees, rights groups, aid organisations say empathy towards refugees is fading even as deaths in Mediterranean soar.

The number of refugees who drowned in the Mediterranean this year rose to an annual record.

More than 5,000 people lost their lives at sea as they took on perilous journeys to escape war, poverty, and persecution – often all three. In 2015, some 3,771 refugees died while crossing the Mediterranean, up from 3,279 deaths the year before.

In short, 2016 has not been an easy year.

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21. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Spenden · Kategorien: Alarm Phone


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28. November 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für WatchTheMed Alarm Phone 6 Weeks Report 10th October–20thNovember 2016 · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Mittelmeer

Quelle: AlarmPhone | pdf | 27.11.2016

Violence against migrants and NGOs escalates – Record numbers of crossings and deaths in the Central Med

Instead of increasing rescue capacities, the EU is concentrating its efforts on deterring unwanted travellers. In late October, the EU’s naval operation EUNAVFOR MED/Sophia has started to train the so-called Libyan coast guard on their vessels, showing them how to do the dirty job of preventing travellers from leaving Libyan waters.

In the six-week period covered by this report, the violence in the Central Mediterranean Sea has escalated. We witnessed numerous shipwrecks, a soaring death toll, and repeated attacks against migrant boats and civil rescue vessels by Libyan authorities. Instead of increasing rescue capacities, the EU is concentrating its efforts on deterring unwanted travellers. In late October, the EU’s naval operation EUNAVFOR MED/Sophia has started to train the so-called Libyan coast guard on their vessels, showing them how to do the dirty job of preventing travellers from leaving Libyan waters. Moreover, in early October, the EU transformed its border agency Frontexinto the European Border and Coastguard Agency, providing it with further competencies and responsibilities, an increased budget, and for the first time with its own equipment and staff. The transformed structures are not intended to improve the agency’s rescue capacities but to more effectively combat unwanted travellers trying to reach Europe and to facilitate deportations.

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