25. September 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Alarm Phone – Watch The Med Aufruf in diversen Sprache · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Mittelmeerroute · Tags: , ,



For Boatpeople in Distress at Sea and in Cases of Pushback

The Watch The Med Alarm Phone is a ‘hotline’ for people in distress at sea. Our hotline will run 24/7 and will immediately raise alarm when refugees and migrants get into situations of distress at sea and are not promptly rescued. It will be managed by human rights activists from both sides of the Mediterranean and offer a multilingual team that will first advise all persons in distress to alert the officially responsible rescue teams. The Watch The Med Alarm Phone does not possess rescue-teams and we cannot offer direct protection. When a distress call is received, we will call the coast guards ourselves, and follow up on their response, making known to them that we are informed and ‘watching’ them. If they fail to respond, we will gather all imaginable political and public pressure to force them to do so.


 + +  The number will be published here on the 10th of October  + +



+ +  Read and download the flyer in  EN   FR   AR   DT   GR   IT  ES    + +


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18. September 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Alarm Phone in Vorbereitung · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Mittelmeer · Tags:

„Watch The Med Alarm Phone“ in Vorbereitung

Seit einigen Monaten arbeiten verschiedene Netzwerke an der Einrichtung eines alternativen Alarmnetzwerkes für den mediterranen Raum und zwischen Ende September und dem 11. Oktober (dem ersten Jahrestag der weniger bekannten Left-to-die-„Tragödie“ mit über 250 toten syrischen Flüchtlingen) sind diverse transnationale Aktivitäten in Planung, um dieses neue Projekt der Intervention in die Öffentlichkeit zu bringen.
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18. September 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „WatchTheMed Alarm Phone“ in Vorbereitung · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Mittelmeerroute · Tags:

„Watch The Med Alarm Phone“ in Vorbereitung

Seit einigen Monaten arbeiten verschiedene Netzwerke an der Einrichtung eines alternativen Alarmnetzwerkes für den mediterranen Raum und zwischen Ende September und dem 11. Oktober (dem ersten Jahrestag der weniger bekannten Left-to-die-„Tragödie“ mit über 250 toten syrischen Flüchtlingen) sind diverse transnationale Aktivitäten in Planung, um dieses neue Projekt der Intervention in die Öffentlichkeit zu bringen.
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24. August 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Saftey at Sea · Kategorien: Alarm Phone

Morocco-Spain: Saftey at Sea

last update: August 2014

These informations are for people who are considering to cross the sea between Morocco and Spain. They aim neither at deterring people from, nor at encouraging people to attempt the crossing, but rather at providing objective informations and sharing experiences about risks, rights, and vital safety measures to take at sea.

The following leaflet exists in English and French. An Arabic translation is under preparation.

application/pdf 1408-Safety at Sea-Morocco-Spain_ french.pdf (110.4 KiB)

application/pdf 1408-Saftey at Sea-Morocco-Spain-english.pdf (110.0 KiB)

24. August 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Morocco-Spain: Saftey at Sea – Flyer [en] [fr] · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Marokko, Spanien · Tags:

Morocco-Spain: Saftey at Sea

last update: August 2014

These informations are for people who are considering to cross the sea between Morocco and Spain. They aim neither at deterring people from, nor at encouraging people to attempt the crossing, but rather at providing objective informations and sharing experiences about risks, rights, and vital safety measures to take at sea.

The following leaflet exists in English and French. An Arabic translation is under preparation.

application/pdf 1408-Safety at Sea-Morocco-Spain_ french.pdf (110.4 KiB)

application/pdf 1408-Saftey at Sea-Morocco-Spain-english.pdf (110.0 KiB)