28. Mai 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Aufruf: italienische Aufenthaltstitel für Libyenflüchtlinge! · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,

Right to choose – Petition for the issue of residence permits to asylum seekers from Libya

Sign the petition, spread the message. Mobilise people in every city.

They landed on our shores during the war in Libya to escape the violence or because they were forced to embark on dangerous, unsafe boats by Ghaddafi’s soldiers.

More than 25,000 asylum seekers are housed under the plan for hosting managed by the Civil Protection on behalf of Government. Hundreds of organisations throughout Italy are hosting them outside of the system for the protection of asylum seekers and refugees, but of different standards and methods. But every effort, every resource available to any path of integration is likely to be in vain without the guarantee of a future, without the prospect of a residence permit allowing them to choose whether to stay or leave or return to Libya or their country of origin.

Despite coming from Libya, many were born in Somalia, Eritrea, Ghana, Nigeria, Mali, Chad, the Sudan, the Ivory Coast, Bangladesh or Pakistan so risk their application for asylum being rejected by the Commissions, which are moving towards a refusal in the majority of cases.

However, very expensive appeals, will not be enough in many cases, so that after having suffered violence or torture in Libya or the threat of bombings, the fate of thousands of people risks being uncertain.

We cannot allow that our cities, neighbourhoods and the streets where we live will be once again put under a veil of secrecy, consigning thousands of men and women to exploitation or criminality.

For this reason we ask for the immediate issue of a residence permit on humanitarian grounds through the establishment of temporary protection (Article 20 TU), or by other means provided by the judicial system.
A question of dignity, democracy and justice.

To sign >>>

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