21. März 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Italien: Ankunft Boat-people in den letzten Tagen – Presseschau · Kategorien: Italien · Tags: , , ,

The main news (expressed with more or less alarmist and racist undertones) are:

  • around 12.200 migrants have been “rescued” so far by Mare Nostrum (some articles speak of 13.500, not sure what is the difference). Only from the beginning of the year there have been around 8.500 arrivals (2.000 in the past few days), ten times more than last year;
  • the costs of the operations (so this article says) have not been officially confirmed, but it is believed that Mare Nostrum costs around 9 millions € a month, whereas the previous operations of the Coast Guard and the Guadia di Finanza costed 1,5 millions €. The commander of the Italian Navy, Luigi Binelli Mantelli, said that the special funding that had been allocated to the operation has now finished and the operations is being conducted with the „normal“ budged by the Italian Navy. It is not clear what will happen for the summer.

The arrival of the migrants in Augusta is being broadcasted live here: http://video.corriere.it/agusta-sbarco-migranti

Avvenire 21/03/2014

„Troppi arrivi. La Sicilia scoppia“

http://cartadiroma.waypress.eu/RassegnaStampa/ [3]

Corriere Fiorentino 21/03/2014

Arrivati a Pisa 140 profughi, da Lampedusa

http://cartadiroma.waypress.eu/RassegnaStampa/ [5]

il manifesto 21/03/2014

Frontiere di morte in Europa, 16mila vittime in vent’anni

http://cartadiroma.waypress.eu/RassegnaStampa/ [12]

Il Messaggero 21/03/2014

Soccorsi 4mila migranti in 36 ore: E‘ emergenza

http://cartadiroma.waypress.eu/RassegnaStampa/ [17]

la Repubblica del Sud 21/03/2014

Emergenza migranti, soccorsi in 4mila centinaia in fuga dai centri

http://cartadiroma.waypress.eu/RassegnaStampa/ [21]

Gazzetta del Sud 21/03/2014

Altri arrivi, e siamo a diecimila

http://cartadiroma.waypress.eu/RassegnaStampa/ [25]

Stranieriinitalia.it 21/03/2014

Sbarchi. Marina salva 1000 persone in 24 ore

http://www.stranieriinitalia.it/attualita-sbarchi. [28]

Grr.rai.it 21/03/2014

Immigrazione: sbarchi in massa in Sicilia

http://www.grr.rai.it/dl/grr/notizie/Content [30]

lanazione.it 21/03/2014

Immigrazione: in arrivo 20 migranti dai centri di accoglienza siciliani

http://www.lanazione.it/arezzo/cronaca/ [32]

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