19. März 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Tunis: Choucha Protest vor EU-Delegation · Kategorien: Tunesien · Tags:

„We are rejected asylum seekers, abandoned in Choucha camp since 2011. We demand durable solution.“

Thats the text on a banner in front of the building of the EU-delegation in Tunis (see the picture below).
The action of the refugee-group with about 15 persons started as permanent protest in February 2014, but after one week all of them have been arrested and put into detention. No reason was given to them for this arrest, for 4 weeks the refugees were kept imprisoned and afterwards transported back against their will to Choucha in a bus escorted by police.

But the refugee group refused to stay invisible in the desert and returned to Tunis and are back again since Sunday (16.3.2014)  in front of the EU office to continue the Sit-in protest. They insist in negotations with EU representatives about their onliest durable solution: they clearly demand their immediate transfer to any effective asylum system, but this cannot be in Tunesia!


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