25. September 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Lampedusa: Über 500 syrische Flüchtlinge angekommen · Kategorien: Italien, Syrien · Tags:

In Italiano sotto

Immigration: Over 500 refugees land in Lampedusa
Another 200 migrants rescued in Strait of Sicily

A fishing boat carrying 398 Syrian nationals landed in the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa on Wednesday after Coast Guards rescued it about 70 miles off the coast. Another 111 migrants reached the island later after port authority patrol boats rescued them close to the coast. Overall, 507 immigrants arrived in Lampedusa in just a few hours on Wednesday.

The local migrant center in the island’s Imbriacola area is now holding 1,250 migrants. The center should accommodate a maximum of 350 people.

Last night another 200 refugees, including about 70 children, were rescued by Coast Guards in the Strait of Sicily.

A plane patrolling the area had first located them on Tuesday afternoon as their boat was experiencing problems some 100 miles south-east off Siracusa. Coast Guard units towed the boat, taking the immigrants to the port of Siracusa last night.


Altri 200 profughi soccorsi a 50 miglia a sud coste Siracusane

Maxisbarco a Lampedusa dove sono approdati oltre 500 siriani che erano su un peschereccio in difficoltà: 389 sono arrivati con lo stesso natante, un altro centinaio con motovedette della guardia costiera che li avevano trasbordati al largo. Nel centro di accoglienza ci sono 1.250 persone, a fronte di una capienza massima di 350. Intanto altri 200 migranti sono stati soccorsi a 50 miglia a sud delle coste Siracusane, tra loro anche una settantina di bambini.

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