Interaktive Landkarte, Syrien
Selbst dokumentieren und veröffentlichen! Ein System der Notrufe und die Hilfe selbst organisieren! Eigene Solidaritätsnetze aufbauen! Flüchtlinge unterbringen!
14,887 documented killings in Syria, March 18, 2011 thru May 18, 2012 Please help us document the crimes in Syria. Here is a short tutorial on how to report. In addition, please see the Instructions page for security precautions to take while submitting reports from the field. Reports can be submitted anonymously or you have the option to provide your personal information [يمكنك إدخال التقرير بدون الكشف عن شخصيتك أو إذا أردت يمكنك إدخال معلوماتك الشخصية]. You can also submit reports via email to or by adding the hashtag #basharcrimes to your tweet(s) (please make sure you include the location or geo-location of the report when submitting via email or twitter). Learn to protect your security online (Arabic version – English version) Reports can be downloaded here. You can subscribe to alerts here. To report cases of human rights violations of sexualized violence, please visit Women Under Siege.