04. Mai 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Athen: Selbsthilfe von Geflüchteten“ · Kategorien: Griechenland, Video · Tags:

medico international | 19.04.2017

Sie sind aus Syrien geflohen. Sie sind in Idomeni gestrandet. Sie haben im Lager Lagkadikia den Kindern Hoffnung gegeben. Jetzt haben Geflüchtete des syrischen medico-Partners Jafra Foundation in Athen ein Haus für geflüchtete Frauen eröffnet. Sie organisieren sich selbst – denn die Lage in den offiziellen Camps ist katastrophal. Refugees to Refugees.

Wir haben Housam Jackl wiedergetroffen. Er berichtet von den Entwicklungen im letzten Jahr, der Arbeit in der selbstorganisierten Unterkunft und von seinen persönlichen Zukunftsplänen.

04. Mai 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Tausende Flüchtlingskinder in Südosteuropa gestrandet“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Griechenland · Tags: , ,

DW | 04.05.2017

Nach Schätzungen von Unicef sind rund 25.000 Flüchtlingskinder in Südosteuropa gestrandet. Durch die schleppende Familienzusammenführung erlitten sie erhebliche emotionale Schäden, kritisiert das UN-Kinderhilfswerk.

Insgesamt hielten sich in Griechenland, Bulgarien, Serbien und weiteren Ländern der Region rund 75.000 Flüchtlinge und Migranten ohne klare Perspektive auf, teilte Unicef in Brüssel mit. „Obwohl sie ein legitimes Recht haben, zu ihren Familien in westeuropäischen Zielländern wie Deutschland und Schweden zu kommen, wissen die meisten gestrandeten Asylbewerber nicht, ob und wann ihnen die Weiterreise erlaubt wird“, hieß es.

Manche Mütter und Kinder hätten ihren Mann und Vater seit mehreren Monaten oder gar Jahren nicht gesehen. Der Prozess der Familienzusammenführung sei so schleppend und die Ungewissheit so groß, dass „beträchtlicher emotionaler Schaden und Angst“ bei den Kindern ausgelöst werde.

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02. Mai 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Life in Greece’s Elliniko refugee camp“ – Fotos · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags: ,

Al Jazeera | 02.05.2017

Elliniko Camp

More than 62,000 refugees and migrants have been stuck in Greece since borders closed across the Balkans in March 2016.

Elliniko, Greece – Wet clothes were draped from the chain-link fence spanning the perimeter of the dilapidated airport hangar now being used to house hundreds of refugees and migrants, mostly Afghans, on an April afternoon.

A pair of young boys hit a volleyball back and forth in the rubbish-ridden car park, playing a seemingly endless game with neither a score nor a net.

Most of Elliniko’s residents live in tents inside the domestic arrivals terminal, or in a pair of deserted Olympic sports stadiums behind the out-of-business airport on the outskirts of the Greek capital, Athens.

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02. Mai 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für A violinist unable to pass visa barriers drowned in the Aegean Sea: He was found hugging his violin box · Kategorien: Griechenland, Türkei · Tags: ,

HarekAct | 26.04.2017

Via Gazete Manifesto (Translation from Turkish) – This week, another boat carrying refugees drowned in the Aegean between Sivrice Burnu (Çanakkale) and Lesvos. 16 people died and only two people survived the shipwreck, they are now on the island of Lesvos.

On board of the ship was also a young Turkish violinist – Barış Yazgı, 22 years old, born in Siirt – who wanted to go to Belgium – where his brother lives – to study music. His dead body was found hugging a violin box. Inside his violin box he carried his instrument as well as handwritten compositions.

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02. Mai 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Lesbos: No Yoga in the police station – Evicton of ‚Old squat‘ · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags:

Noborderkitchen | 28.04.2017

Yesterday one of the squats we supported was taken away by the cops and the Alpha Bank and turned from a home into an old abandoned unused building again. All people were arrested and detained for a day and might face charges for trespassing and destroying of property. Now many people are out on the street, with no safe place to go.

What happened yesterday leaves us sad and incredibly angry. What was destroyed by the state and capitalism was not just a building. It was a home. It was a community. It was a place for friendship, for solidarity, for struggling together against this border and this system that creates them.

The squat was not a perfect place. There was always rubbish lying around, the sound of the power factory next door was the lullaby and the toilet was rarely cleaned. But still we loved it.

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01. Mai 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Türkei: Friedhof der namenlosen Geflüchteten eröffnet · Kategorien: Griechenland, Türkei · Tags: ,

Griechenlandsolidarität | 28.04.2017

Auf diesem Friedhof werden Flüchtlinge beerdigt, die beim Versuch, nach Griechenland zu kommen, ertranken.

Dogancay Friedhof

Ein ‚Friedhof der Namenlosen‘ wurde in der westtürkischen Ägäis-Stadt Izmir in Küstennähe errichtet. Hier werden Flüchtlinge bestattet, die bei dem Versuch, nach Griechenland überzusetzen, gestorben sind.

29. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für ‚Europe’s dirty secret‘: officials on Chios scramble to cope with rising tensions · Kategorien: Europa, Griechenland · Tags:

The Guardian | 28.04.2017

Frustration mounts among locals on the Greek island, where refugees feel like prisoners with no hope of getting to mainland Europe

Helena Smith

On a clear day the channel dividing Chios from the Turkish coast does not look like a channel at all. The nooks and crevices of Turkey’s western shores, its wind turbines and summer homes could, to the naked eye, be a promontory of the Greek island itself. For the men, women and children who almost daily make the crossing in dinghies and other smuggler craft, it is a God-given proximity, the gateway to Europe that continues to lure.

Samuel Aneke crossed the sea almost a year ago on 1 June. Like those before him, and doubtless those who will follow, he saw the five-mile stretch as the last hurdle to freedom. “You could say geography brought me here,” said the Nigerian, a broad smile momentarily dousing his otherwise dour demeanour. “But it was not supposed to keep me prisoner.”

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28. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Nadadora siria que atravesó Mediterráneo y compitió en Río, embajadora ACNUR“ · Kategorien: Griechenland, Türkei · Tags: ,

La Vanguardia | 27.04.2017

Ginebra, 27 abr (EFE).- Yusra Mardini, la joven nadadora siria que huyó de su país y alcanzó las costas europeas atravesando a nado el Mediterráneo y que en 2016 participó de los Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro ha sido nombrada embajadora de buena voluntad del ACNUR, la Agencia de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados.

„Para mí es un honor ser representante de los refugiados del mundo y ser la más joven embajadora de buena voluntad de la historia del ACNUR. Estoy agradecida de esta oportunidad y de esta tribuna“, dijo Mardini en rueda de prensa.

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25. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Sixteen migrants drown making Turkey-Greece crossing“ · Kategorien: Griechenland, Türkei · Tags: ,

BBC | 25.04.2017

At least 16 people have drowned in the narrow strait separating Turkey from the Greek island of Lesbos, say authorities and the UN.

Two children were among those whose bodies were recovered.

There were two survivors, including a pregnant woman. The survivors, from Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo, said there had been between 20 and 25 people on board.

Hundreds of people have died since 2015 trying to cross from Turkey to Greece.

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23. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Greece: „Squats hosting migrants prompt ire of owners“ · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags: ,

Ekathimerini | 23.04.2017

As hundreds of migrants continue to be hosted by members of leftist and anarchist groups in squats across the capital, the owners of the properties being occupied are struggling to gain access, Kathimerini understands.

Police sources said there are plans for vacating occupied properties, but that they are being delayed due to a lack of alternative accommodation for the migrants.

Even when there is legal action, the response by authorities is far from immediate. Police raided the occupied premises of a building belonging to the Hellenic Red Cross last month, 40 days after the organization took legal action.

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