26. Oktober 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für 221 Bootsflüchtlinge weigern sich, in Malta auszusteigen · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags:

221 Bootsflüchtlinge, zumeist SyrerInnen, unter ihnen viele Kinder, haben sich geweigert, in Malta von Bord zu gehen. Sie waren von einem dänischen Frachter im zentralen Mittelmeer 285 Seemeilen südöstlich von Malta an Bord genommen worden und nach Malta gebracht worden. Nach 10stündigen Verhandlungen zwischen der maltesischen und der italienischen Regierung wurde ihrem Kampf Erfolg beschert: Sie werden derzeit nach Catania (Italien) gebracht.


Italy to take migrants who were being brought to Malta

Italy has agreed to take 220 migrants who were picked up by a cargo ship that was originally heading for Malta.

The migrants were expected to land this morning, but their transfer to Maltese patrol boats was delayed due to bad weather and the migrants‘ requests to be taken to Italy.

Italy agreed to host them after lengthy talks.

The migrants, said to be Syrian and including many women and children, were rescued from a fishing boat that got into difficulties on Thursday some 285 miles southeast of Malta.

The cargo ship Eleonora Maersk was directed to pick up the migrants in rough seas as winds reached force seven.

The ship is now heading north towards Italy.



Migranti rifiutano Malta, dopo 10 ore di trattative la nave fa rotta verso il porto etneo


CATANIA – Si sono rifiutati di sbarcare a Malta e dopo dieci ore di trattative tra La Valletta e il governo italiano, la nave danese Eleonora Maersk con 221 migranti sta facendo rotta verso Catania; a bordo molte donne e bambini, di origine siriana. L’approdo nel porto del capoluogo etneo è previsto per stamattina.

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