14. März 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Spanien: Einreisepapiere gegen Informationen · Kategorien: Spanien · Tags: ,

Weil er sich geweigert hat, auf ein Angebot der Guardia Civil einzugehen, sitzt Belletti aus Kamerun nun in Abschiebehaft in Barcelona. Ein Agent in Melilla hatte ihn unter Druck gesetzt: „Si me ayudas, te puedo dar las llaves de Europa. Si me mientes, nos vamos a ver durante mucho tiempo“.

El Diario | vimeo.com


This week the case of Renaud Nyame has come to light. He is a Cameroonian citizen who, after being held for nine months in Melilla, was transferred to the Immigrant Detention Centre in Barcelona for deportation. The Cameroonian, known as Belletti to his friends, leaked two videos after his arrest that were made public and show how the Civil Guard police had offered him a deal to legalise his immigration status in exchange for information. The videos show how a Civil Guard policeman offered Renaud „the keys of Europe“ in exchange for acting as his „snitch“. He did so during an interrogation, using forms and expressions bordering on blackmail. The policeman told him that if he did not collaborate, his safe-conduct to the Peninsular Spain would be blocked, as had happened for 9 months.

The ability to offer a residence permit or ensure a person will not be deported in exchange for „providing information as a victim, affected person or witness to an act of illicit trafficking or illegal immigration“ derives from Article 59 of the LOEX (Organic Law on Migration). However, Renaud had already informed the Civil Guard on several occasions that he did not have the type of information the questioners wanted and Article 59 was not being used to offer him a possible reward for collaboration but rather as blackmail.

Apart from its questionable legality, when the police operate in this way it protects racist institutional dynamics and also infringes migrants’ rights. Persecution and repression in the border area, pushing and shoving, beatings alongside the fence, humiliations in detention centres and blackmail are just parts of this framework that has haunted Renaud. The biggest problem is that this case is not an exception but rather the norm. Mistreatment of migrants is systematic and protected by the Organic Law on Migration (LOEX).

But if it is not an isolated case, why the fuss?

Firstly because, in spite of the difficulties and harsh conditions undocumented people face in our country, Renaud wants to build a life for himself in Madrid with his partner, friends and colleagues. In fact, his partner has written an open letter to the Minister of the Interior saying, „I assure you that I can take responsibility for his full support. He has a job waiting for him and, most importantly, has a family wishing to welcome him and also missing him.“ Moreover, the right to mobility enshrined in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights cannot be restricted to citizens born in rich countries; everyone should be able to move and live in the territory of their choice. So we will do everything in our power to prevent Renaud from being deported and not have to give up his life, his relationships and his plans for his future. In order to do this, his lawyer has submitted a brief requesting his freedom in the Melilla Court of First Instance no. 4, providing full proof of establishment.

Secondly because Renaud can and will report the goings-on on the southern border. Like most people who arrive in Europe from the south, he has witnessed multiple violations of rights and has extensive proof in the form of videos and photos. His testimony highlights the practices of the Spanish and Moroccan governments, the responsibilities the Spanish Ministry of the Interior is seeking to avoid in matters of Human Rights, and racist Spanish and European immigration policy.

Thirdly because what he has to say shows up relationships and institutional practices occurring on the southern border: Spanish law, the responsibilities of the Minister of the Interior, Civil Guard police practices and, ultimately, the legitimised brutality on the border, where the importance of human life depends on which side of the border you are on. The southern border is in a constant state of siege within the framework of the rule of law and this must end.

In view of all this, we are presenting this statement to the Government, signed by various different organisations and individuals committed to human rights, demanding:

An end to the deportation process and the immediate release of Renaud Nyame as the establishment of his life in Spain has been proved.

The Spanish Government’s acceptance of its responsibilities regarding the situation on the southern border, as well as hearing complaints and prosecuting the illegal practices that take place there.

Please sign our petition. You can sign as a collective/group/organisation and/or individual!

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