06. September 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Legalisierungsmöglichkeit in Italien bis zum 15.10.2012 · Kategorien: Italien · Tags:

According to the law 109 of July 6, from September 15th to October 15th, for every stranger without permit who entered Italy before December 31th, 2011, and working since then at least three months, it will possible to regularize their situation. At the moment we’re waiting for the details but we already know that the request can be done by internet filling up a form where you have to name your employer who will have to pay 1000 euros and should have a business volume of more then 30’000 euros:

http://ricerca.repubblica.it/repubblica/archivio/repubblica/2012/09/01/sanatoria-scatta-il-conto-alla-rovescia-tempo.html?ref=search (Italian).

What to do? The best is to contact a syndicate (CGIL: http://www.cgil.it/Sedi/default.aspx, CISL: http://www.cisl.it/strutture-sul-territorio/ or UIL: http://www.uil.it/organizzazione/default.htm) or one of the different contacts listed on our homepage: http://www.w2eu.info/italy.en/articles/italy-contacts.en.html.

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