11. Mai 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Sanctuary Cities in den USA: Texas erzwingt Hatz auf Immigranten“ · Kategorien: USA · Tags: ,

taz | 10.05.2017

Viele Kommunen in den USA bieten Einwanderern ohne Papiere Schutz. Der texanische Gouverneur Abbott droht ihnen mit drakonischen Strafen.

Dorothea Hahn

NEW YORK taz | Bei der Verfolgung von papierlosen EinwandererInnen geht Texas voran. Am Sonntag unterschrieb Gouverneur Greg Abbott ein Gesetz, das das bislang schärfste Vorgehen der Trump-Ära gegen Sanctuary Cities postuliert – gegen Städte, die papierlosen Einwanderern Schutz bieten.

Vom 1. September an sollen alle lokalen Behörden – von den Bürgermeistern bis hin zur Polizei – gezwungen werden, mit der Einwanderungspolizei ICE, einer Bundesbehörde, zu kollaborieren. Sie sollen ausländisch aussehende Menschen auch ohne Anlass auffordern, ihre Papiere zu zeigen. Falls die lokalen Behörden dazu – und zur Auslieferung von Papierlosen an die ICE – nicht bereit sind, riskieren sie bis zu 25.000 Dollar Geldstrafe oder Gefängnis.

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02. Mai 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Lesbos: No Yoga in the police station – Evicton of ‚Old squat‘ · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags:

Noborderkitchen | 28.04.2017

Yesterday one of the squats we supported was taken away by the cops and the Alpha Bank and turned from a home into an old abandoned unused building again. All people were arrested and detained for a day and might face charges for trespassing and destroying of property. Now many people are out on the street, with no safe place to go.

What happened yesterday leaves us sad and incredibly angry. What was destroyed by the state and capitalism was not just a building. It was a home. It was a community. It was a place for friendship, for solidarity, for struggling together against this border and this system that creates them.

The squat was not a perfect place. There was always rubbish lying around, the sound of the power factory next door was the lullaby and the toilet was rarely cleaned. But still we loved it.

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25. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Quando essere umani è un reato“ · Kategorien: Italien · Tags: ,

Il Manifesto | 25.04.2017

Luigi Manconi

Estate 2016. Ventimiglia, estremo occidente della costa ligure: centinaia di migranti sostano al confine tra Italia e Francia. Cercano di varcarlo, per continuare il loro viaggio, ma l’Europa ha chiuso loro quella porta. Il campo della Croce rossa italiana non riesce più ad accogliere tutti, prendono forma campi di fortuna, allestiti da organizzazioni umanitarie, dove volontari prestano aiuto e assistenza. Félix Croft, europeo di cittadinanza francese, è uno di questi. Di fronte a una simile mobilitazione il sindaco, per motivi di «igiene e decoro», emette un’ordinanza (di recente provvidenzialmente revocata) che vieta la distribuzione di cibo e bevande ai migranti.

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24. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Bologna, Del Grande abbraccia la compagna e i genitori in aeroporto“ · Kategorien: Italien, Türkei · Tags: ,

La Repubblica | 24.04.2017

L’abbraccio con la fidanzata Alexandra e con i genitori per il giornalista espulso dalle autorità turche. Decine di persone nello scalo mobilitate per l’arrivo del giornalista scarcerato dalle autorità turche. „Non mi hanno torto un capello: ma quello che è successo è illegale“


BOLOGNA – “Adesso? Me ne vado a mangiare. Dopo lo sciopero della fame ne ho bisogno…”. Gabriele Del Grande è libero, è arrivato a Bologna con un volo della Turkish Airlines, ma non è un turista qualsiasi. Nella sala degli “arrivi” dell’aeroporto Marconi un applauso spontaneo accoglie il giornalista detenuto in Turchia dal 9 aprile, per non si sa ancora quale reato. Ad accoglierlo ci sono i genitori, amici, cronisti, telecamere, forze dell’ordine, passeggeri e curiosi. E anche il ministro degli Esteri Angelino Alfano, che esulta: “La migliore vigilia della nostra Liberazione”. “Non mi è stato torto un capello – dice Gabriele, affiancato dalla compagna Alexandra – ma quello che è successo è illegale, è una violenza istituzionale. Il mio pensiero va a tutti i giornalisti ancora in carcere, in condizioni peggiori della mia”.

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24. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für ZINE: Free the Röszke 11, Imprisonment of Migrants and Repression against Movements in Hungary and Beyond · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Ungarn · Tags:

Free Röszke 11

We published a zine about the Röszke 11, that provides an overview and gerneral analysis. It summarizes the story of the Röszke 11, the political context, and similar cases of criminalization in Greece and Luxembourg. You can download it when you click on the pdf-signs above or below. The version above is the smaller web-file, the one below is the large file for printing, the cover (front and back) and the rest of the zine are in 3 separate files. Spread and print it! Resistance and struggle continues!

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24. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Refugees beaten, abused and tear-gassed as they sleep by police in Calais, report warns“ · Kategorien: Frankreich · Tags: , ,

The Independent | 24.04.2017

Exclusive: Broken limbs, facial injuries and severe bruising found to be ‘typical injuries’ sustained by unaccompanied minors at the hands of officers in Calais, research finds

Refugees sleeping rough in and around the Calais area are subject to “endemic” levels of police brutality on a daily basis, an alarming report has revealed, amid concerns that the region is on “police lockdown” in efforts to deter refugees from the area.

Research published exclusively by The Independent shows that displaced people, including scores of unaccompanied children, are experiencing routine violence, with some reporting having limbs dislocated as a result of police beatings, while others had tear gas sprayed directly in their faces.

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24. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Gabriele Del Grande libero, la Farnesina: “Sta tornando in Italia” · Kategorien: Italien, Türkei · Tags: ,

Il Fatto Quotidiano | 24.04.2017

Lo annuncia su Twitter il ministro degli Esteri, Angelino Alfano. Il reporter, è atteso alle 10 all’aeroporto di Bologna, era stato fermato il 9 aprile in Turchia durante un controllo nella provincia di Hatay, al confine con la Siria

“Gabriele Del Grande è libero”. Lo annuncia su Twitter il ministro degli Esteri, Angelino Alfano. “Gli ho parlato adesso sta tornando in Italia – scrive il capo della Farnesina – ho avuto la gioia di avvisare i suoi familiari. Lo aspettiamo”. “Questa notte il collega ministro degli Esteri, Mevlut Cavusoglu mi ha comunicato la decisione. Lo ringrazio. #iostocongabriele“, ha aggiunto Alfano sempre su Twitter.

Emozionato, Massimo Del Grande, padre del giornalista, ha annunciato che il figlio “dovrebbe arrivare verso le 10 di questa mattina a Bologna“. “Stiamo andando a prenderlo, è un gran giorno”, ha detto a Rainews 24. “Mi ha chiamato il ministro Alfano. Ci hanno detto che sta bene”, ha detto ancora aggiungendo che la prima cosa che farà sarà di “abbracciarlo forte”.

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23. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Freedom for Gabriele del Grande! · Kategorien: Italien, Türkei · Tags: , ,

w2eu | 23.04.2017

Our dear friend Gabriele del Grande, human rights activist, journalist and documentary filmmaker, was arrested on April 10, in Hatay / Turkey. He was doing a research for his new book-project about Syrian refugees. Since four days now, he is on a hunger strike, struggling for his freedom.

Gabriele has been active since years, monitoring deaths of refugees in the Mediterranean, on his blog ‘Fortress Europe’ and later focussing on the complexities of the war in Syria and its effects on the Syrian civil society and the refugees in Europe. All of us loved his documentary “On the bride’s side” in which he combined documentary filming with activism in his own way, struggling for another world.

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19. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Reporter arrested in Turkey phones“ · Kategorien: Italien, Türkei · Tags: ,

ANSA.it | 18.04.2017

(ANSA) – Rome, April 18 – An Italian reporter arrested on the Turkey-Syria border April 10 phoned Italy Tuesday to say he was well but that he would start a hunger strike to demand his rights be respected tonight. „I’m well, they haven’t touched a hair on my head but I can’t phone, they seized my cellphone and belongings, although they’re not charging me with anything,“ said Gabriele Del Grande using the administrative detention centre’s landline, saying he was surrounded by four policemen.

Human rights campaigner Del Grande said he would start a hunger strike tonight „and I urge everyone to mobilise to demand my rights be respected“. He said „my documents are in order, but I have not been allowed to name a lawyer, nor have I been informed when this detention will end. „The reason for the arrest is linked to the content of my work. I have been subjected to questioning in this regard. I have been able to phone only after days of protests“.

There had been no news from the journalist since he was arrested by Turkish authorities on the Syria border eight days ago, his family said Monday.

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16. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Ungarn vermutet US-Milliardär Soros hinter illegaler Migration“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Ungarn · Tags: ,

Welt | 15.04.2017

Der Streit über die von Milliardär Soros gegründete Universität in Ungarn reißt nicht ab. Ungarns Staatschef Orbán lastet dem Amerikaner nun sogar an, der europäischen Flüchtlingskrise finanziell Vorschub zu leisten.

Seit Wochen führt der ungarische Ministerpräsident Viktor Orbán eine Kampagne gegen regierungskritische Zivilorganisationen sowie den US-Milliardär George Soros. Nun legt er in einem Interview der regierungsnahen Tageszeitung „Magyar Idök“ vom Samstag weiter nach – und stellt eine Verbindung zwischen dem Streit über die von Soros gegründete Central European University (CEU) in Budapest und der Flüchtlingskrise her.

„Die ganze Sache dreht sich darum“, erklärte der rechtskonservative Regierungschef, „dass George Soros, vor der Öffentlichkeit verborgen und unter Einbeziehung seiner ungarischen Organisationen, mit enormen Geldern die illegale Einwanderung fördert.“

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