29. Juni 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Crew auf dem B4p Schiff Oloferne – Vorstellung mit Kontaktadressen · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags: ,


Joel Labat and Nathalie Loubeyre

Biography: Joel Labat, operator, and Nathalie Loubeyre, director, produce documentaries for over 20 years. They have already made ​​a film on the theme of migration, No comment, filmed in Calais, which has won the award “documentaire de création” at the Human Rights Film Festival in Paris. They are currently shooting another film about violence stops at the border of Europe (The mechanics des flux)

Contacts: Labat (tel. +33 6 08 36 76 70; Email joellabat@free.fr); Loubeyre (tel. + 33 6 87 16 20 75; Email nathalie.loubeyre@free.fr)

Spoken languages: both French, English, Spanish and Portuguese

Nicanor Madueño

Biography: GISTI militant since 2007 (Groupe d’Information et de Soutien des immigrés – France). Coordinating the project Boats4People from Tunis, where he moved from the beginning of 2012. He also works with the Forum for the Tunisian Economic and social Rights. Through the project B4P, he fights for freedom of movement and he will fight to ensure that Tunisia does not become another country in which it is exercised a violent European border control

Contacts: tel. +33 6 99 43 34 69 e +216 52 70 18 71; Email coord@boats4people.org

Spoken languages: French, English, Spanish and Arab

Sophia Baraket

Biography: she followed the revolution of Tunisia for several international news sites. When the revolt broke out in Libya, she was the first photographer to travel to Ras Jedir, on the border between Tunisia and Libya, where the refugees arrived. He participated in the project “Inside-Out” of the French photographer JR, she also works on the project “Childhood’s mothers” underway in Uganda and “Faire ailleurs”, the history of trade waste arriving in Africa because there is no place to dispose in northern countries

Contacts: tel. +216 23 23 46 00; Email sophia.baraket@gmail.com

Spoken languages: French, English, Arab and Italian

Francesco Giunta

Biografia: journalist and photographer, he works in Milan, but he lives in Genoa. When he can, he works with a non-profit organization active in Africa. He started sailing with the “optimist”, the most beautiful boat there. On the boat Oloferne, he will be a sailor

Contacts: tel. +39 339 37 93 821; Email giunta.francesco@gmail.com

Spoken languages: Italian, French and English


Ennio Cerretti (capitain)

Biography: graduated from the Nautical School of La Spezia as an engineer officer, he is an experienced sailor with assets of more than 40,000 miles of sailing. He has an unyielding passion for the sport. He is instructor of Caprera Sailing Centre. He is famous among the boys who participated in the cruises of the “Nave di Carta” for his good humor, his skill in the kitchen and his inflexibility

Contacts: tel. +39 338 74 71 588; Email ennioce@yahoo.it

Spoken languages: Italian

Jacopo Storni

Biography: Tuscany correspondent for the news agency Redattore Sociale, wrote in the Corriere Fiorentino (Tuscany edition of Corriere della Sera) and writes on Corriere.it

Contacts: tel. +39 335 71 63 225; Email jacopo.storni@tin.it

Spoken languages: Italian and English

Annalisa Ausilio

Biography: trainee reporter at the School of Journalism, “Massimo Baldini” at the Luiss University, graduated in Political Science at the University of Florence. She has worked as a reporter on the radio, newspapers and online newspapers and as press secretary in cultural festivals. She has always been committed to volunteer work, she has participated in international work camps, working in prisons and worked with immigrants. He is currently doing an internship at RaiNews24

Contacts: tel. +39 329 11 07 218; Email ausilioannalisa@gmail.com

Spoken languages: Italian and English

Patrice Boukar

Biography: Secretary General of the Association des refoulés d’Afrique Central au Mali (ARACEM), immigrant rights activist and co-founder of ARACEM. Born in November 30, 2006 in Mali, ARACEM is a permanent structure that helps migrants in Mali and/or transit countries of the Maghreb and the European Union and denounces human rights violations suffered by migrants during their migratory journey

Contacts: tel. +223 75 09 99 63, +223 44 38 45 64; Email aracemvie@yahoo.fr

Spoken languages: French and English

He will not be present on the boat Oloferne because of visa denial by the French and Italian authorities in Mali

Vincent de Jong

Biography: he is a member of All-Included (Amsterdam – Netherlands) and network Afrique-Europe Interact. He is an itinerant activist who fights for freedom of movement and equitable development

Contacts: tel. +31 65 90 87 174; Email all-in@allincluded.nl

Spoken languages: Dutch, English and French

Farouk Ben Lhiba

Biography: invited because of the disappearance of his children and his 21 friends, including 5 deaths and 16 missing in boat collision between Rais Ali 2 – with which they had started from Zarzis – with Elhouria 302, Tunisian army boat. After impact, the boats have been flown over by Italian aircraft. He came to Italy to ask for the photos, which could have been taken from the plane, and to meet with European organizations to work with them. He also calls for opening of borders or facilitation to visa so that young people risk their lives to stop leaving by sea

Contacts: tel. +216 21 53 06 05; +216 20 22 18 11

Spoken languages: Arab, French and Italian

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