05. Dezember 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Hintergrund Berber-Milizen: Beschuss Boat-people 11.10.2013 · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: , , ,

„[…] At Mellitah, Berber protesters drive unchallenged through the front gate of the large oil and gas complex located some 100 km (63 miles) west of the capital Tripoli. The guards salute them.

Two weeks ago, the militiamen arrived in coastguard boats they seized during the 2011 revolt. After briefly boarding two tankers loading oil, they hoisted banners and flags and put up tents at the terminal – one on a rock outcrop in the harbor.

Four Italian tugboats that usually assist tankers to dock are now moored alongside one of the protesters‘ boats armed with a small cannon fastened to its bow. […]

via In Libya’s west, Berber anger spills into gasfields | Reuters

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