11. Oktober 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Auf der Flüchtlingsroute: Eine Reise in Bildern“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Griechenland, Türkei · Tags:

Quelle: Spiegel Online

Izmir, Trukey. October 2, 2015.Syrian refugees hoping to make the journey to Europe gather in the courtyard of a mosque in the Basmane district of Izmir, Turkey, a place where refugees are able to meet smugglers in order to arrange the journey to Greece.(Photo by Moises Saman/MAGNUM)

Izmir, Trukey. October 2, 2015.Syrian refugees hoping to make the journey to Europe gather in the courtyard of a mosque in the Basmane district of Izmir, Turkey, a place where refugees are able to meet smugglers in order to arrange the journey to Greece.(Photo by Moises Saman/MAGNUM)

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